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compassion peace & justice

Iosso to leave ACSWP post to serve Church in a new ministry

After more than 14 years as coordinator of the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Dr. Christian Iosso this week announced his decision to serve the Church in a new capacity.

‘Racism is a sin against humanity’

Calling racism “a sin against humanity,” the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness expressed outrage at the death of George Floyd Friday and called on Presbyterians to take action in the wake of his death.

How should the church stand up to anti-Asian racism?

After a successful first outing looking at the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus pandemic on communities of people who are black, the “COVID at the Margins” series returns at 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, May 18, with a look at a community experiencing overt racism due to the virus: people who are Asian and Asian-American.

An online service of lament

With mission co-workers and other Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) national staff tuned in from all over the country — and some from abroad — Compassion, Peace & Justice on Wednesday offered up “By the Waters of Babylon,” an online worship service of lament attended by more than 80 people.

‘COVID at the Margins’ begins Monday

A new discussion series on the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color — and how faith communities can address the problem — kicks off Monday on Facebook Live.

COVID-19 impacts on Presbyterian Hunger Program’s global partners

The whole world has come to a pause over the last two months as the coronavirus hit almost all countries on the planet. From just a few hundred people infected in January, there are currently more three million confirmed cases around the world. The message across countries has been the same: wash hands regularly, practice social distancing, cover coughs and sneezes, wear a mask, and clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.