Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Office of Public Witness

Raising a Prophetic Voice through the Social Justice Policy of Presbyterians Since 1946

Stated Clerk statement regarding the upcoming summit between leaders of the United States and North Korea

With the historic summit between President Donald Trump of the U.S. and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un nearing, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly Stated Clerk the Rev. J. Herbert Nelson, II has issued a statement reiterating the denomination’s persistent calls for a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.   “We lift our hearts in prayer for the… Read more »

PC(USA) Bail Out Curriculum

June 5, 2018 Money shouldn’t buy justice, however the way the system of cash bail currently works in this country, low-income people and people of color disproportionately remain in jail while the wealthy buy their liberty. This is a practice that should have been relegated to the history books. In 1833 the United States formally… Read more »

Watch the 3 Part Webinar Series on Building a Grassroots Advocacy Team

The Grow the Movement for Justice: A Three Part Grassroots Advocacy Training Webinar series teaches movement leaders how to harness and exercise communitypower to build just and faith-driven movements. “Deepening your Relationship with Elected Officials,” focuses primarily on forging a relationship with elected officials. Upon watching this webinar, viewers should hope to: Learn to navigate… Read more »

Prayer from the National Council of Churches in Korea

Our Prayer for the Successful US-DPRK Summit and Peace on the Korean Peninsula   Lord of Life, please join us in this time as we bow our heads praying for the peace of the Korean Peninsula. Please hear our prayers so that we may become one in the love and peace of Jesus Christ. We… Read more »

Join the Poor Peoples Campaign: Here is What you Need to Know

Next Monday, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will launch a season of nonviolent moral fusion direct action in Washington, DC and across the country, and we need you to join us. In communities across America—Black, white, brown and Native—we have built a Poor People’s Campaign to become what Rev. Dr…. Read more »

Farm Bill Advocacy Toolkit: Protect SNAP

One of the top legislative priorities for Congress is to address the reauthorization of theFarm Bill in 2018. The Farm Bill is an enormous piece of legislation that determines a broad range of  food and agriculture policy from the livelihood of farmers and funding for rural development to efforts surrounding food insecurity and nutrition. Among… Read more »