Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Office of Public Witness

Raising a Prophetic Voice through the Social Justice Policy of Presbyterians Since 1946

PCUSA Joins Faith Groups in Call to Senators to Lead Global Covid-19 Response

WASHINGTON, DC—On September 17, 2020, seventeen faith-based national organizations, representing thousands of members serving poor and vulnerable people around the world, delivered a letter to Senators urging them to pass legislation that includes international assistance to address the social and economic impacts of COVID-19. September 17, 2020 Dear Senator, As representatives of faith-based organizations serving… Read more »

The Prophetic Witness of Black Women

By Langley Hoyt This March, I attended the Beyoncé Mass created by Rev. Yolanda Norton. The mass uses Beyoncé’s music as a tool to have empowering conversations about Black women and God and to lament the violence against Black women. The most impactful part of Beyoncé Mass, for me, was when the choir sang Beyoncé’s… Read more »

COVID19 and the Power Imbalance of International Trade Policy

by Hannah Graunke, Summer Fellow, Office of Public Witness As governments are scrambling to enact life-saving policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, investors and international corporations are striving to save their profits at the expense of citizens around the globe. More and more nations are taking measures to ensure adequate health care, water, and electricity for… Read more »

Rev Hawkins joins letter urging aid to assist with COVID19 in Latin America and the Caribbean

June 8, 2020 Dear Senator McConnell, Senator Schumer, Representative Pelosi, and Representative McCarthy, As the United States faces an escalating health crisis at home, we cannot afford to ignore the situation among our neighbors in Latin America and the Caribbean, which has now been declared the new epicenter of the pandemic. According to the World… Read more »

A Time for Action

A Statement from Rev. Jimmie R. Hawkins, Director of the Office of Public Witness The week of May 24th will be remembered as a week of lament, mourning, grief, and outrage. Death has been a constant presence throughout the world as lives have been impacted by loss and pain. The most troubling aspect is the… Read more »

PCUSA joins humanitarian and civil society groups calling on Congress to include North Korea aid exemptions in next COVID relief package

Today, the Presbyterian Church (USA) along with 35 organizations representing humanitarian, research, peacebuilding, faith-based, human rights, and other civil society groups sent a letter to Congress urging immediate sanctions exemptions for humanitarian assistance to the people of North Korea during the pandemic. The organizations collectively have more than 40 million constituents. May 5, 2020 The… Read more »

PCUSA Joins Letter on Excessive Military Spending

Joint Statement: U.S. organizations react to global military spending report April 27, 2020 Our diverse group of 39 think-tanks, non-profits, faith-based organizations, and advocacy groups based in the United States find the exorbitant amount of money spent on militaries worldwide to be an irresponsible and harmful use of global wealth. The Global Military Expenditures Report… Read more »

PCUSA Joins Letter Urging Immediate Sanctions Relief for Countries in Need

Amid COVID-19 pandemic a group of nonprofit organizations sends letter to President Trump urging an overhaul in sanctions regimes Washington, DC (April 23, 2020): Today, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, 70 organizations representing humanitarian, research, peacebuilding, faith-based, human rights, and other civil society groups with over 40 million supporters sent a letter to President… Read more »