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Presbyterian Scholarship for Undergraduates


The Presbyterian Mission Agency provides scholarships to up to 100 college students per year. Eligible applicants will be PCUSA church members seeking a first associates or bachelors’ degree, attending an accredited college or university in the United States full-time in 2024-2025. The basic scholarship award is $4,000, up to need, and if need remains after the scholarship is awarded, students may be considered for additional supplemental aid, including:

$2,000 Supplemental award for People of Color
This program is now closed.

Changes for 2024-2025 include moving to a single application for new and renewing applicants in English, Spanish, and Korean. Reminder: students have user name/password access to prior applications on Kaleidoscope. Please do not create a new account if your email address has changed, or you have forgotten your email address. Follow the link in the application to contact support for assistance.

If you would like to become a member of the selection team, please visit

Award announcements will be available after August 1

Application for 2025-2026 available in January

Undergraduate Guidelines

English Guidelines Spanish Guidelines Korean Guidelines

Samuel Robinson Award – accepting applications
For undergraduate junior and senior students enrolled full-time in one of the colleges/universities related to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Learn more

Theresa Mumford Memorial Scholarship
The current level of funding will support 3-6 students with awards ranging from $2,000-$3,000. New applicants must submit the student portion of their application prior to their 18th birthday. Guidance counselors from Georgia high schools located in Brantley, Camden, Charlton, Glynn, Pierce, Ware and Wayne counties should ask students who might be eligible to complete the online application.
