Posts Tagged: climate justice

Good Food Purchasing Program Live in Chicago! Connecting Urban Farmers with Institutional Buyers

Urban Tilth photo “Governments have few sources of leverage over increasingly globalized food systems – but public procurement is one of them. When sourcing food for schools, hospitals and public administrations, governments have a rare opportunity to support more nutritious diets and more sustainable food systems in one fell swoop.” – Olivier De Schutter, U.N. Special Rapporteur on… Read more »

The Ten Commandments … of Food

four of the 10 commandments of food Yes, the Food Week of Action is coming next month! Every year, PHP joins with dozens of churches, farms and organizations from all over to celebrate the movement to bring Good Food to all – starting with those who don’t get enough affordable, healthy food grown in ways that honor labor and the land. Your… Read more »

Disaster Capitalism & Food Imperialism in Puerto Rico

ian on finca Scaling Up Agroecology in Puerto Rico By Andrew Kang Bartlett The Presbyterian Hunger Program is eager to support the expansion of agriculture that cools the planet, cares for God’s creation, and prioritizes the needs of producers and eaters. Agroecology is that approach and we are excited about the work of Organización Boricuá de Agricultura Ecológica… Read more »

Climate Justice Alliance Pushing for a Just Green New Deal

Climate Justice Alliance (CJA), a grantee partner of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, has the ear of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. CJA members support the Green New Deal, but they continue to push for language and legislation that aims for zero emissions, not just a net-zero. Net-zero goals allows high-emission polluters to continue polluting and to rely on… Read more »

On-the-ground Update from the Global Climate Summit

Hello from Katowice! Yes, it is raining but spirits are high. I arrived by train last night from Warsaw after a 20-hour trip and shared my dinner table with Max, a sustainable bioenergy specialist from the National Wildlife Federation. Max, who grew up in Oakland, is also working to get Democrats and Republicans to join… Read more »

People’s Demands on Climate Justice

By Andrew Kang Bartlett Delegates from the world’s nations, and yours truly, will gather in Katowice, Poland to lay out the rules that will implement the 2015 Paris Agreement, policies that will affect the lives of billions of people. As the delegates assemble, people of faith and good will can raise their voices together for… Read more »