
Your God-talk, Our God-talk

Hey there! Interested in being a part of the Everyday God-talk community? We’d love to have you on board, and here’s how you can jump in:

  1. Put on your writing hat and craft a 500-word essay that dances around the topics connected to the four different categories we describe below.
  2. Or, get ready for your close-up! Capture a 3-5 minute video where you explore a theme that truly ignites your passion which aligns with the categories below. Remember, hold that phone or laptop horizontally, find a serene spot to chat, and pack your video with engaging content (and appropriate language, please!).
  3. Feeling artsy? Awesome! Feel free to jazz things up by sending in graphics, pictures, artwork, or any creative media that adds a spark to your essay and video clips. We’re here to work our magic and curate those treasures for you.

Send the content to for whichever topics you feel confident out of the below categories.

Understanding Reformed Theology & Book of Confessions: Let’s time travel through the evolution of Reformed Theology. We’ll geek out on its history, marvel at the Reformation’s legacy, and explore how it’s shaped our journey. And yep, we’ll address the tough stuff too, all while stepping forward with lessons from our past.

Leading & Serving: Ever wondered what’s cooking in the minds of our diverse Presbyterian leaders? We’ve got the inside scoop! Hear their soul talk, get inspired by their ministry stories, and pick up some savvy spiritual practices along the way.

Resting & Growing: Life’s a whirlwind, right? But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Join us as we crack the code of self-care. We’re dishing out tips and sharing heartwarming stories to help you keep your balance in this crazy world.

Let it Sing! General Assembly: Get ready to catch all the buzz from the General Assembly – the event that makes our Presbyterian hearts beat a little faster. It’s where the big conversations happen, decisions are made, and celebrations are in full swing.