• 3. everyday spirituality; praying heart,  3.a. Resting & Growing

    Have a great summer!

    We wanted to let you know that our blog updates will be a bit slower and on pause during June and July. Once we have more information about the General Assembly’s decisions and direction regarding certain overtures and business items, we’ll be back with fresh new posts. We also aim to align our updates with the newly revamped PC(USA) webpage. Thank you so much for your understanding. Have a wonderful summer!

  • 3. everyday spirituality; praying heart,  3.a. Resting & Growing

    A story about praying

    Instead of a prayer, here is a story from five years ago about praying – may it speak to you [...] After a fruitful conversation, and when we finished our meal, Charles stood to leave for his son’s basketball game. That’s when the woman stood, took the half step needed to cross the aisle in the restaurant and spoke. [...] We are made from dust. And to the dust we will all return. But until we do, moments of grace will find us. Thanks be to God.

  • 3. everyday spirituality; praying heart,  3.a. Resting & Growing

    A Tribute to Mrs. Lee

    As the sun set on the eve of Ash Wednesday, a somber call reached me from my family in South Korea, delivering the news of my grandmother, Mrs. Lee's passing. Though anticipated, the weight of her absence was profound. [...] As I bid farewell to Mrs. Lee, in this season of Lent, I cherish the lessons she imparted and the legacy of strength, love, and wisdom she leaves behind. In her absence, I find comfort in memories of her indomitable spirit, a guiding light through life's highs and lows.

  • 2.b. Let it sing: General Assembly,  3.a. Resting & Growing

    Prayers for the Unfathomable Humanity

    I’d never say that we must understand and forgive those who harm us physically, emotionally, and mentally, whether with or without harmful intent. I always ache and empathize with victims and survivors first, and that’s my usual tendency. However, this week, I found myself thinking about those who were forced and driven to choose to harm and end the lives of others. How can they do that? Are they human?

  • 2.a. Leading & Serving,  3.a. Resting & Growing

    Seeing God in Sarang’s company to Pinto and Toby

    Hey there, wonderful Everyday God-talk community! 🌟 This week, let's take a moment to reflect on how we connect with the divine through our relationships with other living beings. And guess what? These beings don't have to fit into the traditional categories of "spouses," "partners," or "children." They can be our beloved furry friends - our cats and dogs. 🐱🐶 But today, I want to introduce you to a companion animal that's still somewhat unusual but gaining popularity - the charming hedgehog! 🦔

  • 3.a. Resting & Growing

    Lucy’s Seeing God in H.E.L.P

    This week, we delve deeper into the profound way we experience the presence of God in our closest relationships with the living beings that surround us. While this might seem like a familiar one, it unfolds into a uniquely touching story—one that revolves around a grandchild finding her voice. Through this narrative, we learn valuable lessons about our connection to God, the art of prayer, and effective communication with our loved ones.

  • 2.a. Leading & Serving,  3.a. Resting & Growing

    Psalmtember & Marcus Hong

    Ah, September, you enchanting month! It's that time of the year when we desperately try to grasp onto the fading warmth of summer while eagerly embracing the most charming season of all – autumn (if you're lucky enough to experience all four seasons). In many corners of the United States, September marks the return to school – a fresh start, a rekindling of connections, and a return to that familiar circle of friends, colleagues, and a home away from home, distinct from our summer retreats. Now, let me introduce you to our enthusiastic friend, Marcus Hong, who's declared a month ago, "It's that time again! Just a little over two…

  • 3.a. Resting & Growing

    Progressive Asian American CHRISTIANS?

    I just had the most incredible and rejuvenating time at the Progressive Asian American Christian (PAAC) gathering, hanging out with the awesome crew from the progressive UMC hybrid church HA:N (which, by the way, is a Sino-Korean term that’s all about liberating your soul from trauma) Now, these aren’t your typical “church” communities. These friends here are not big fans of that label because of the past trauma we’ve had to deal with in those white normative, patriarchal, and homophobic churches. Instead, it’s all about being ourselves, no explanations needed. Comfort in our own skin is what it’s all about. I can’t even begin to express how blessed I felt…