Posts Categorized: Eco-Justice

Dreaming Another World as this One Heats

Out of control fires. Hottest decade on record. Hot oceans spawning super storms. Polarized politics. Heated debates. COVID fever. Despair and hope can coexist in each of us. The partners of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, who are dreaming and building another world, give us hope every day. Visit our Food and Faith Blog to read… Read more »

A Prayer for Summer’s End

Delights of Summer by Jessica Maudlin Phelps, Associate for Sustainable Living and Earth Care Concerns, PHP God of all that surrounds us, As we step into this new season of fall, we pause to acknowledge the delights of summer. Even though it was, for many, a year of cancelled plans, postponed vacations and drive-by parades instead of back… Read more »

Welcoming the Season of Creation

Universe painting The environmental work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is grounded in Scripture, Reformed theology, General Assembly policies that call us to care for creation, including the 1990 foundational policy “Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice,” and prayer. September 1 is the World Day of Prayer for Creation and the start of the Season of Creation…. Read more »

Sustainable Living and Earth Care issue of PHP Post

Check out this most recent issue of the PHP Post. It is all about Sustainable Living and Earth Care concerns. This issue includes a center poster that outlines the work of this part of Presbyterian Hunger Program.   Click here to download your copy of the Post, or the poster by itself.  

“If we say we are without sin…”

By Rebecca Barnes, Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program “If we say we are without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” For many of us, this line of confession has been part of the liturgy of our worship and our lives for a long time. As Christians, we articulate a belief that… Read more »

Equal Exchange’s 2020 Summit

Coffee Project Poster The Presbyterian Coffee Project offers a special link between congregations and communities around the world. Churches can now reach out to neighbors overseas not only with the prayers and offerings we give, but with the goods and products we purchase. The basic way a congregation participates is to serve fair trade coffee during fellowship hour… Read more »

Deforestation and Covid-19

Many of you may be asking yourself what this  Covid-19 pandemic is attempting to teach us about the state of Mother Nature and the ways in which we relate to her? While acknowledging that people all over the world are suffering from lost employment, diminished incomes and uncertainty, we  are seeing that in slowing down,… Read more »

COVID-19 Overshadows Environmental Rollbacks

by Jessica Maudlin, Associate for Sustainable Living and Earth Care Concerns, PHP In recent weeks a lot of our attention is focused on the coronavirus. Especially as information rapidly changes, we are constantly on high alert seeking information to clarify the situation. In this heightened state of consciousness though it is easy to overlook other… Read more »

Spring 2020 PHP Post

PHP Post Centerfold image   The newest issue of The PHP Post is now available. Find a bilingual prayer for Earth Day and learn more about the National Hunger Concerns work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program by downloading The PHP Post  here. The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour… Read more »

Climate Crisis Demands More Than Individual Lifestyle Choices

by Bob Taylor, retired PC(USA) pastor and volunteer with Citizens’ Climate Lobby For many Presbyterians a faithful response to the climate crisis starts with individual lifestyle choices to minimize our carbon footprint. These actions could include such things as reducing meat consumption, using bikes or public transport instead of cars, buying an electric car, recycling,… Read more »