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Presbyterian Panel



Research Services no longer conducts the Presbyterian Panel. The last panel was completed in 2017. Previous reports remain available and can be accessed via the links as detailed below.

Obtaining Presbyterian Panel Studies

Presbyterian Panel questionnaire results are available in printed form as a 4-page Summary and in a more comprehensive Report. Summaries and Reports for recent surveys are shown below. Studies from 1996 to present are also available online.

Individual printed copies or subscriptions to either the Summary or the Report are available for a small fee by contacting the Presbyterian Panel. Please indicate that you are interested in Presbyterian Panel publications and specify which topic you want.

Individual Reports can also be reviewed in presbytery Resource Centers and Presbyterian seminary libraries.

Presbyterian Panel Publication Guide

Series 15 — 2015 to 2017
Series 14 — 2012 to 2014
Series 13 — 2009 to 2011
Series 12 — 2006 to 2008
Series 11 — 2003 to 2005
Series 10 — 2000 to 2002
Series 9 — 1997 to 1999
Series 8 — 1994 to 1996
Series 7 — 1991 to 1993
Series 6 — 1988 to 1990
Series 5 — 1985 to 1987
Series 4 — 1982 to 1984
Series 3 — 1979 to 1981
Series 2 — 1976 to 1978
Series 1 — 1973 to 1975

Series 15 – 2015 to 2017

  • November 2017: Congregational Vitality — measuring the seven marks of congregational vitality including discipleship, evangelism, outward focus, worship, servant leadership, and health.
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  • May 2017: Immigration, Refugees, and Immigrant Ministries – Perceptions of the impact of immigrants on U.S. society, attitudes towards immigration policy issues, worshiping community and personal involvement in immigrant ministries.
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  • February 2017: Race and Ethnicity – Attitudes towards racial policy issues, involvement in racial justice work and cross-racial collaboration, diversity within worship
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  • August 2016:  Theological Reflection — Involvement in interfaith activities; knowledge about other branches of Christianity and non-Christian faiths; perceived importance of PC(USA) creeds and confessions; opinion about theological issues including the nature of salvation and Lord’s Supper participation by those who have not been baptized; perspectives on vocational discernment; feeling that God is operating in panelists’ daily lives.
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  • June 2016: Environmental Stewardship — environmental problems, individuals and the environment, congregations and the environment, the PC(USA) and the environment
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  • May 2016: 1001 New Worshiping Communities — familiarity with the 1001 NWC initiative, congregations partnering with new worshiping communities, opinions about the 1001 NWC initiative
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  • November 2015:  Connecting with Presbyterian World Mission — Connecting with Presbyterian World Mission, Critical Global Initiatives, reliance on Presbyterian World Mission
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  • July 2015:  Awareness and Understanding of the Presbyterian Mission Agency — Awareness of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Presbyterian Mission Agency Knowledge, Trust in the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Reliance on the Presbyterian Mission Agency
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  • May 2015: Gender and Leadership in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) — leadership in the PC(USA), opinions and beliefs about gender, personal experiences with gender discrimination
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  • March 2015:  Presbyterian Historical Society — Personal interest in Presbyterian history, personal and congregational interest in and use of the services of the Presbyterian Historical Society
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  • 2015: Religious and Demographic Profile of Presbyterians 2015 — Religious background, religious beliefs, church participation, and social/demographic characteristics for members, ruling elders, and teaching elders (also known as ministers)
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Series 14 — 2012 to 2014

  • Fall 2011:  Religious and Demographic Profile of Presbyterians 2011 — Religious background, religious beliefs, church participation, and social/demographic characteristics for members, ruling elders, and teaching elders (also known as ministers)
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  • February 2012:  Current Issues in Church and Society — The future of the church; knowledge of movements and initiatives in the PC(USA); 1001 new worshiping communities; cohabiting couples; same-sex issues, including sexuality and ordination; interest in leaving the PC(USA); congregational support for non-PC(USA) mission; congregational support for missionaries
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  • May 2012:  Spiritual Growth Experiences and Church Retreats — Most significant learning or spiritual growth experience; faith development past and future; preferences for church resources and retreats; retreat and camp participation
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  • November 2012:  Responding to Violence and War — Familiarity with peacemaking initiatives, attitudes and beliefs towards recent military policies, personal experiences with violence or war
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  • February 2013: World Mission — Familiarity with mission priorities, personal and congregational mission activities, funding for missions
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  • May 2013: Theological Education — Familiarity with seminaries, recommending a seminary, engaging with seminaries, supporting seminary education
  • August 2013: Race  Racial and ethnic relations, race and ethnicity in congregations, personal experiences and opinions, same sex marriage
  • November 2013: Interfaith Relations and the Presbyterian Foundation — Proximity to other faith traditions, interest in learning about other faith traditions, interaction with other faith traditions, Presbyterian Foundation
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  • February 2014: 1001 New Worshiping Communities — Familiarity with the 1001 New Worshiping Communities Initiative, Awareness of new worshiping communities (NWC) & partnering with NWCs, support for NWCs, and opinions about the 1001 NWC initiative

Series 13 — 2009 to 2011

  • Fall 2008:  Religious and Demographic Profile of Presbyterians 2008 — Religious background, religious beliefs, church participation, and social/demographic characteristics for members, elders, and ministers; opinions on ordination
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  • February 2009:  The Sacraments — Lord’s Supper practices and preferences; beliefs about the Lord’s Supper; baptism practices and preferences; beliefs about baptism; familiarity with and use of Invitation to Christ: A Guide to Sacramental Practices
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  • May 2009:  The Environment — Views about environmental problems including global warming; environmental practices at home and at church; perspectives on environmental issues
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  • August 2009:  The Confessions, General Assembly Mission Council Priorities, Israel/Palestine — Opinions on priorities for the GAMC; access to and use of the confessions; familiarity with and opinions about the Belhar Confession; views about Israel/Palestine and the rest of the Mideast
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  • November 2009:  Education, PC(USA) Mission, and Study Resources — Experience with schools; views on public education and educational policy issues; awareness of PC(USA) mission and ministries; factors influencing purchase decisions regarding study resources
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  • February 2010:  Hunger, Peacemaking, and Sabbath-Keeping — Perspectives on hunger; involvement in hunger-related activities; views on weapons of mass destruction, PC(USA) peacemaking activities, and child soldiers; views on sabbath-keeping; weekly activities
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  • May 2010:  Health — Personal and congregational health-related activities; health insurance coverage; other legal and insurance issues
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  • August 2010:  Compassion, Peace and Justice — Importance of, familiarity with, and experiences with the work of the Compassion, Peace and Justice ministry area, including Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger Program, Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, Self-Development of People, Child Advocacy, and others
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  • November 2010:  Congregational Leadership — Types of pastoral leaders serving congregations; opinions about pastoral transitions, reasons why some congregations lack installed pastors, and other issues; activities, skills, and characteristics that are essential for pastors; and activities that are essential for elders
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  • February 2011: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance — Presbyterians’ familiarity with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA); views on the importance and effectiveness of PDA’s work; involvement of members, elders, ministers, and congregations in disaster relief efforts; and contributions to support disaster relief
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  • May 2011: Churchwide Special Offerings — Feedback from Presbyterians about the four churchwide special offerings (One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peacemaking, and Christmas Joy) and the ministries they support, amounts and reasons for giving to each offering, and likelihood of giving if specific changes were made. Also giving by Presbyterians to other charitable causes
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  • August 2011: Immigrant Ministries and Immigration Issues — Presbyterians’ personal connections with immigrants and views on immigration issues (including the impact of immigration in this country and support for possible immigration policies), congregational involvement in ministries with immigrants and partnerships with other congregations or worshiping communities
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  • November 2011: The Bible — Presbyterians’ Bible reading and study habits, and their knowledge of both the Old and New Testaments, familiarity with PC(USA) mission
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Series 12 — 2006 to 2008

  • Fall 2005:  Religious and Demographic Profile of Presbyterians 2005 — Religious background, religious beliefs, church participation, and social/demographic characteristics; opinions on gay and lesbian issues, including ordination
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  • February 2006:  Mental Illness — Knowledge of mental illness, its causes, and prevalence; mental illness-related activities in the congregation; own, family experience with mental illness; opinions on mental illness as it relates to the church; ministers as mental-health counselors and presence of mental-health professionals in the community
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  • May 2006:  Issues in the PC(USA) — Opinions on faith, the Bible and church governance raised by the report of the Theological Task Force on the Peace, Unity, and Purity of the Church; familiarity with the task force report and responses to it; opinions on conflict and schism in the church
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  • August 2006: The Bible — Frequency of individual Bible reading; when and where read; use of study aids; preferred translations; Bible reading in worship services
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  • January 2007: Spirituality and Health — Personal health-related behaviors; recent stressful life events; health-related activities in the congregation; opinions on religious coping and doubt; views of God; personality characteristics
  • May 2007: Churchwide Special Offerings — Preferences for special offering topics and characteristics; opinions on possible changes in timing and number of special offerings, and the causes they support; personal contributions to special offerings
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  • August 2007: The Mission Work Plan of the General Assembly Council — Familiarity with and opinions about four goal areas of the GAC: evangelism and witness, justice and compassion, leadership and vocation, and spirituality and discipleship; preference for national or international mission
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  • November 2007: Women of the Church — Experience with, preferences, and views about women in leadership positions in the church; gender and language; women’s groups in the congregation
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  • February 2008: Volunteering and Other Issues — Sources of support; life satisfaction; views and expectations about health and aging; involvement in volunteer activities; plans for retirement
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  • May 2008: Charitable Giving and Financial Planning — Experience with and plans to make charitable gifts; use of various sources of information on financial planning; perceptions of specific charitable organizations
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  • November 2008: Spirituality and Health — Views about the connection between spirituality and health; views of God; sources of support; personal health practices and problems

Series 11 — 2003 to 2005

  • Fall 2002: Background Report for the 2003–2005 Panel — Social, economic, demographic, and religious characteristics of members, elders, and clergy
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  • February 2003: Hunger Issues — Opinions on causes of and solutions to hunger in the United States and the world
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  • May 2003: Stewardship, Finances, and Allocation of Resources — Giving practices of individuals, congregations; opinions on how mission dollars are spent
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  • August 2003: Presbyterians Today — Evaluation of recent issue of Presbyterians Today; preferences for denominational communication
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  • Fall 2003: Reparations — Familiarity with, opinions on reparations for racial ethnic or other groups
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  • November 2003: Churchwide Special Offerings — Evaluation of four churchwide special offerings and opinions on possible changes in their emphases
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  • February 2004: Presbyterian Colleges and Universities — Familiarity with, opinions on PC(USA)-related colleges and universities
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  • May 2004: Disabilities Issues — Accessibility of congregational programs and facilities
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  • August 2004: Energy Issues — Energy use and conservation by individuals and congregations; opinions on policy issues
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  • November 2004: Current Issues in Church and Society — Opinions about and familiarity with PC(USA) positions on divestment and other issues related to Israel; opinions on the war on terrorism and the war in Iraq; religion and the 2004 presidential Election
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  • February 2005: Selected Congregational and Denominational Issues — Opinions on pastoral leadership; personal evangelism; use of and opinions on the Directory for Worship
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  • May 2005: Funding Christ’s Mission through the PC(USA) — Knowledge of and opinions on funding arrangements for national offices of the PC(USA); suggestions for change
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  • August 2005: Hymns and Hymnbooks — Hymnbooks used in congregations; types of church music preferred
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  • November 2005:  The Social Creed — Opinions on various social and economic issues, including international corporations, labor unions, ethics in business, Reformed teachings on work and vocation, taxes, globalization, and the role of faith in the political economy
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Series 10 — 2000 to 2002

  • Fall 1999: Background Survey for the 2000–2002 Panel — Social, economic, demographic, and religious characteristics of members, elders, and clergy
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  • February 2000: Gambling and the Christian Faith — Experience, opinions on legal gambling in US; role of church in gambling issues
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  • May 2000: Public Worship — Frequency and characteristics of worship services; ideal worship preferences; worship resources
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  • August 2000: Ministries to Families and Same-Sex Issues — Congregational programs for families, singles; Presbyterian Mariners. Also opinions on same-sex issues
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  • November 2000: Racism and Racial Justice — Opinions on racial justice issues in church and society; immigration; 2000 election
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  • February 2001: Presbyterians in the 21st Century — Expected/preferred changes in the PC(USA) in coming decades
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  • May 2001: The U.S. Congregational Life Survey — Laity: Personal faith, religious background, congregational involvement. Pastors: Congregational leader profile
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  • August 2001: Presbyterian Women and Other Topics — Opinions about and involvement in Presbyterian Women, opinions on abortion and Amendment 01-A, Internet use
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  • November 2001: September 11 Issues and Christian Educators — Personal and congregational reactions to terrorism of Sept. 11, 2001; facts, opinions on Christian educators
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  • February 2002: Children’s Issues — Participation, leadership of children/youth in congregations; Decade of the Child; resource needs
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  • May 2002: Peacemaking, International Conflict, and Related Issues — Role of church in peacemaking; peacemaking activities of individuals, congregations; opinions on national/international issues, terrorism, just war
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  • August 2002: Church Camps and Retreats — Camp participation; roles of camps in faith development; preferences for camp facilities
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  • November 2002: End-of-Life Issues — Opinions on assisted suicide; thoughts on one’s own death; funeral plans; views of the afterlife
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Series 9 — 1997 to 1999

  • Fall 1996: Background Survey for the 1997–99 Panel — Social, economic, demographic, and religious characteristics of members, elders, and clergy
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  • February 1997: Spirituality, Health, and Well-Being — Prayer, other spiritual beliefs and practices; physical health and mood; recent life events
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  • May 1997: Nature and the Environment — Recycling, conservation, outdoor activities; beliefs about the natural world, animal rights, current problems; the environmental role of the church
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  • August 1997: Social Justice and Social Welfare — Opinions on social welfare policy and welfare reform; participation in social justice ministries
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  • November 1997: Older Adult Ministries — Views of aging; older adult participation and leadership in the church; intergenerational activities and responsibilities
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  • February 1998: Books, Reading, and Study Resources — Topics, sources of books read; church study groups; computer, software use
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  • May 1998: Communications Across the Church — Needs, preferences for news and information about the PC(USA)
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  • August 1998: World Mission — Comprehensive look at opinions on and experience with the worldwide mission of the PC(USA)
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  • November 1998: Science, Technology, and Faith — Opinions on issues of science and technology and their relationship to the Christian faith
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  • February 1999: Language and God — Opinions on issues use of inclusive language, preferences for gender-neutral or gender-inclusive language about God and about God’s people
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  • May 1999: Sabbath Keeping — Perspectives on Sabbath, time-use on Sundays today and in the past
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  • August 1999: Public Role of Presbyterians — Opinions about, involvement in, and ministry related to public policy and social issues; PCUSA Washington Office evaluation
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  • November 1999: Interpersonal Violence — Experiences, opinions on physical abuse in families. Also has questions on spirituality, health
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Series 8 — 1994 to 1996

  • Fall 1993: Background Survey for the 1994–96 Panel — Social, economic, demographic, and religious characteristics of members, elders and clergy
  • February 1994: Spirituality — Prayer, religious experience, Bible reading, faith development
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  • May 1994: Communication — Opinions on needs, format, and means of distribution of national church news and other information
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  • August 1994: Charitable Giving and Estate Planning — Familiarity with PC(USA) Foundation and its products, church endowments, wills and beneficiaries
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  • November 1994: Volunteerism and Other Issues — Volunteer experience, personnel issues in congregations, the “match” between pastors and congregations, care of theological students
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  • February 1995: The Bible — Individual and group Bible reading practices, preferred translation, Bible reading in worship services
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  • May 1995: Churchwide Special Offerings — Opinions on appropriate topics for churchwide offerings and suggestions for change in current practices; individual giving to churchwide special offerings
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  • August 1995: Social Issues in Investing — Familiarity with and opinions on socially-responsible investing and the PC(USA)’s participation in it; ethics in the workplace
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  • November 1995: Peacemaking — Opinions on peacemaking issues, conflict in congregations, congregational involvement in peacemaking, opinions on national and international issues
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  • February 1996: Current Issues in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) — Opinions on issues facing the church today. Also opinions on and possible use of new Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program
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  • May 1996: HIV/AIDS Issues — Individual awareness of issues related to AIDS and HIV, congregational involvement in ministries for persons with AIDS, and familiarity with AIDS resources produced by the denomination
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  • August 1996: Evangelism — Definitions of evangelism, personal and congregational involvement in evangelism activities, familiarity with evangelism resources
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  • November 1996: Theological Education — Perceptions of Presbyterian theological seminaries, sources of information about seminaries, ministers’ evaluations of their seminary preparation
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Series 7 — 1991 to 1993

  • Fall 1990: Background Survey for the 1991–1993 Panel — Social, economic, demographic, and religious characteristics of members, and elders, and clergy
  • January 1991: Spirituality — Prayer, Bible reading, religious experience, faith development
  • April 1991: The Nature of the Church and its Practice of Governance — Opinions of the Church’s priorities, missions, governing bodies, and polity-related issues
  • September 1991: The Environment — Opinions on environmental problems, involvement of individuals and the Church in environmental issues, recycling, outdoor activities
  • November 1991: Health Issues — Health and life style characteristics, opinions on health insurance
  • February 1992: Alcohol and Other Drugs — Alcohol consumption, opinions on roles of the Church in drug issues, family and community problems linked to alcohol and other drugs
  • May 1992: Peacemaking — Importance of peacemaking for the church, peacemaking activities of individuals, congregations, opinions on national and international issues
  • August 1992: Christian Education and Nurture — Religious activity in childhood and youth, adult Christian education participation, use of denominational resources, men’s groups, divorce, retreat centers
  • November 1992: Relations with Other Religious Groups — Opinions on and participation in ecumenical and interfaith events and organizations
  • February 1993: Presbyterian Colleges and Universities — Knowledge/background/opinions concerning Presbyterian-related schools
  • May 1993: Societal and Human Development — Knowledge/opinions on sustainable development and related issues
  • August 1993: Criminal Justice Issues — Opinions on issues of crime and criminal justice in the U.S., congregational involvement with criminal justice programs
  • November 1993: Disabilities Issues — Opinion on church inclusion of persons with disabilities, accessibility of congregations and presbyteries, number of Presbyterians with disabilities

Series 6 — 1988 to 1990

  • Fall 1987: Background Survey for the 1988–90 Panel — Social, economic, demographic and religious characteristics of members, elders, and clergy
  • February 1988: Employment, Discrimination and Employee Benefits, Congregational Characteristics
  • April 1988: Concerns about the Denomination
  • June 1988: Obtaining Information about Our Christian Faith
  • September 1988: Aging Issues, Supplemental Liturgical Resources
  • November 1988: Retirement Plans, Men’s and Women’s Groups in Congregation
  • January 1989: Communication — Use of TV and other electronic media, congregational video equipment, denominational news sources
  • March 1989: Denominational Perspectives and Personal Beliefs Views on and Priorities for PC(USA) — Personal values and beliefs, life experiences
  • June 1989: Human Sexuality — Attitudes toward sexual behavior, church and sexuality education, AIDS
  • September 1989: Placement — Attitudes toward and experiences with, the call of the clergy to particular positions
  • November 1989: Housing — Attitudes toward housing issues and homelessness, housing-related programs in congregations, Presbyteries
  • Peacemaking — Attitudes toward peace issues, peacemaking programs in congregation
  • January 1990: Theological Education — Experience with, evaluation of, and attitudes toward the role of Presbyterian Theological schools
  • February 1990: Stewardship and Communication Development Goals — Financial stewardship, special offerings, communication of finances, costs and Stewardship, giving patterns
  • April 1990: Ordination — Meaning of ordination, experience in ordained offices, functions of ordained offices, ordination and gender sexuality
  • June 1990: Problem Pregnancies and Abortion — Legality, Christian responsibility, role of church
  • September 1990: Continuing Education for Pastors — Experiences and plans
  • Panel Evaluation — Panelists’ appraisal of the three-year term, questionnaires, and summaries

Series 5 — 1985 to 1987

  • Fall 1984: Background Survey for the 1985–1987 Panel — Social, economic, and demographic characteristics of members, elders, and clergy of the PC(USA)
  • February 1985: Use of Churches as Sanctuaries, Tax Protests, Just War Theory
  • March 1985: Churchwide Campaign Feasibility Study
  • June 1985: Presbyterian Attitudes Toward Science
  • September 1985: The Sunday Morning Worship Service
  • November 1985: Alcoholism and the Church
  • January 1986: The Health of Presbyterians and Their Attitudes Toward Health Policies
  • April 1986: Hymns and Hymnbooks
  • June 1986: Evangelism
  • September 1986: Women in Ministry
  • November 1986: Reading Habits of Presbyterians, Attitudes Toward Biennial General Assembly
  • January 1987: Role of Pastoral Counselors
  • March 1987: Peacemaking: Presbyterian Attitudes and Involvement
  • June 1987: Financial Support of the Church
  • September 1987: Attitudes Toward Pornography
  • November 1987: Baptism and Confirmation, Commissioning in the Presbyterian Church

Series 4 — 1982 to 1984

  • Fall 1981: Background Survey of the 1982–1984 Panel — Social, economic, and demographic characteristics of the members, elders, and clergy of the UPC
  • January 1982: United Presbyterian Attitudes Toward Peace and Peacemaking, Report on the Reestablishment of the Presbyterian Panel for the Fourth Cycle
  • April 1982: Christian Education for Adults — Members’ needs and congregation programs
  • June 1982: The Sacrament of Baptism in the Presbyterian Perspective and Usage
  • September 1982: The Development and Nurture of Faith
  • November 1982: Group Ministries
  • January 1983: Criminal Justice Concerns
  • April 1983: Reunion for the Presbyterians — Hopes and concerns about the future
  • June 1983: Aspects of Pastoral Leadership, Opening Church Doors for the Handicapped
  • September 1983: Ministry in Health, Education and Welfare Among Presbyterians
  • November 1983: Continuing Education for Pastors
  • January 1984: Attitudes Toward Public Education
  • April 1984: Publication Needs of the Presbyterian Church
  • June 1984: Panelists’ Opinions of the World Council and National Council of Churches
  • September 1984: Peacemaking, Presbyterians’ Attitudes and Involvements in 1984 One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Promotion
  • November 1984: Masculine Concept of God, Hunger and Famine in Africa, Sexual Exploitation of Women in the Media

Series 3 — 1979 to 1981

  • Fall 1978: Background Survey for the 1979–1981 Panel — The United Presbyterians — A Background report on those who constitute the Presbyterian Panel
  • February 1979: Social Policy — Activities and attitudes among United Presbyterians
  • April 1979: Ministry — Beliefs and experience of United Presbyterians
  • June 1979: Attitudes Toward Alcohol Use and Abuse
  • September 1979: United Presbyterian Ministry in Higher Education
  • October 1979: Ministry to Single Persons
  • November 1979: Presbyterian Views on Life and Mission in American Cities
  • January 1980: United Presbyterian Views on the Nature of Biblical Authority and the Use of Scripture
  • March 1980: Evaluation of Selected Services of the Board of Pensions of the United Presbyterian Church, Familiarity and Satisfaction with vocation Agency Resources
  • April 1980: United Presbyterian Attitudes Toward Women in Ministry
  • June 1980: Ruling Elders in the UPC — How they perceive their role and how they fulfil it
  • August 1980: United Presbyterian Attitudes Toward Racial/Ethnic Ministries and Racial Justice Issues
  • October 1980: Ministry with Older Adults in the United Presbyterian Church
  • January 1981: The Theology of Stewardship
  • March 1981: Men’s and Women’s Organizations and Activities within Presbyterian Congregations
  • June 1981: Transnational Corporations — Viewpoints and opinions
  • October 1981: Trends in Congregations — Resources in evangelism and the risk evangelism process
  • November 1981: Forms of Giving — United Presbyterian attitudes and congregational practices
  • Elder’s Supplement — Issues relating to the UPC pension and benefits plan

Series 2 — 1976 to 1978

  • Fall 1975: Background Survey for the 1976-1978 Panel — Study of General and Religious News Sources
  • March 1976: Attitudes Toward Business and Investment in America
  • April 1976: General Feelings of Trust and Confidence in Leadership and Programs of the UPC, Marital and Family Violence — Ministry by pastors and other church professionals
  • May 1976: Reaching People who are Without the Gospel
  • September 1976: Giving Practices of United Presbyterians
  • October 1976: Relationship of Worship, Work and Leisure
  • Fall 1976 Special: Ecumenical Poll
  • November 1976: Acceptance of Clergywomen
  • January 1977: Christian Approaches to Homosexuality
  • February 1977: The Role of the Pastor’s Spouse, Curriculum Usage
  • April 1977: Comparative Urgency of Various Issues Before the UPC, Feasibility of a Large-Print Edition of These Days Magazine
  • Mid-Summer 1977: Understanding Giving Among United Presbyterians, Opinions on the Use of the Word “Endorse” in the Ordination Vows
  • November 1977: Worship Changes in Forms and Participation as Perceived by Members and Elders
  • January 1978: Awareness of and Support for Denominational Policies Concerning Overseas Mission
  • March 1978: Devotional Practices — Resources for Christian Growth, Sources for Support for Church Professionals
  • April 1978: Readership of A. D. and Mission Scope, Church Membership of Panelists’ Households
  • June 1978: Opinions Regarding the Function of Presbyteries and Synods in their Responsibilities and Relationships
  • September 1978: Opinions on the Importance of a Pastor Having a Working Knowledge of Biblical Languages — Perceptions of appropriate Bible study for sermon preparation and other tasks
  • October 1978: Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Westminister Press — Habits and preferences of panelists in purchasing and reading books and other types of publications

Series 1 — 1973 to 1975

  • Winter 1973: Background Survey for the 1973–1975 Panel — Background Material on Panelists
  • May 1973: Religion and Life Today
  • September 1973: Going to Church, Organizational Membership, “Other Session Removals” from the Church’s Membership Rolls, Commitment to Types of Special Offerings
  • November 1973: Role of Christianity in the United States in the World
  • January 1974: The Sunday Morning Worship Services
  • March 1974: The Nature of the United Presbyterian Church and its Mission in and to the World
  • July 1974: How Christians Learn about Social Issues and Deal with Them
  • September 1974: Current Worship and Devotional Practices
  • November 1974: General Assembly Evaluation, Worship Practices, Information on Church Building Plans
  • January 1975: Understanding the Nature of the United Presbyterian Church and its Mission
  • March 1975: Perspectives on Overseas Mission, The Religious Program Audience
  • May 1975: Impact of the Current Economic Recession, Readership and Helpfulness of Religious Publications, Information Flow in Matters of Controversy
  • July 1975: Practices and Beliefs Concerning Sacraments, Lord’s Supper, Baptism, Preaching, Committee on Compensation Pastor’s Supplement — Overall concerns related to the sacraments
  • September 1975: Development of a Continuing Church, Membership Training Project, Congregational Characteristics, Mission Activities
  • Emergency Supplement — The Presbyterian Lay Committee, Inc., handling of dissent in the United Presbyterian Church
  • November 1975: Sexism in the Church