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February 2014

Committee Business and Reports


Committee Reports

A.001 – Finance Committee Report

B.001 – Justice Committee Report

C.001 – Leadership Committee Report

D.001 – Worshiping Communities Committee Report

E.001 – Corporate Report

G.001 – Audit Committee Report

H.001 – Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Executive Committee Report One

H.002 – Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Executive Committee Report Two

H.003 – Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Executive Committee Report Three

J.001 – Board Nominating & Governance Subcommittee Report One

J.002 – Board Nominating & Governance Subcommittee  Report Two

Webinar Recordings

Special Offerings Task Force Webinar Audio Recording

Stony Point Incorporation Evaluation Comm Jan 27 2014 Webinar audio recording

MRTI Jan 28 2014 Webinar audio recording

Stony Point Incorporation – Evaluation Committee Documents

Stony Point Incorporation Evaluation Committee Report

Incorporation Criteria

2011 Action that created the Task Force

2012 Report and Action from the Task Force that Created the Transition Task Team (TTT);

September 2013 TTT Report and Recommendation

September 2013 Referral motion from Finance Committee

September 2013 Finance Committee Action (Referral motion as amended)

Stony Point Conference Center Financial Information


P.100 – Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Agenda  (Revised 02.03.14)

P.101 – Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Minutes – September 25-27, 2013

Committee Business

These items include action and information items. They were assigned to Board committees and the Finance committee. Go to the Committee Business page.


Information Items

These documents do not require an action and are shared with the Board for information only. Go to the Information page.


Housekeeping Items

Travel Expense Voucher- February 2014 Meeting (also available in Excel format)