Posts Categorized: Special Offerings Promotion

Peace & Global Witness Sixty Second Sermon Reflection

You’re Invited! We invite you to watch this short video and reflect on what you’ve seen by answering the questions below. Thank you to Rev. Ryan Landino, Lead Presbyter for Transformation at the Presbytery of Great Rivers, for creating this Sixty Second Sermon for the Peace & Global Witness Offering. Click here to watch the… Read more »

Celebrating the Peace & Global Witness Offering with Our Youth

Engaging the children of your congregation with the four General Assembly mandated churchwide Special Offerings has never been easier or more important. There are numerous ways children can connect with the Peace & Global Witness Offering. We have a number of resources available online to help you as you engage your young people. This year’s… Read more »

Pentecost: School’s Out but Nobody’s Home

From five to four In the fall of 2016, the school board in Sterling, Colorado, was forced to make some drastic changes to meet its budget. The most significant change was reducing the school week from five days to four. When the decision was made, the unintended result left many children and youth without adequate… Read more »

Celebrating the Pentecost Offering with Our Youth

Engaging the children of your congregation with the four churchwide Special Offerings has never been easier or more important. There are numerous ways children can connect with the Pentecost Offering, especially considering this Offering celebrates how God’s Spirit works in the lives of young people. We have a number of resources available online to help… Read more »

OGHS Sixty Second Sermon Reflection

A church walks into a bar…and then what? We invite you to watch this short video and reflect on what you’ve seen by answering the questions below. Thank you to Rev. Ryan Landino, Lead Presbyter for Transformation at the Presbytery of Great Rivers, for creating this Sixty Second Sermon for One Great Hour of Sharing…. Read more »

Come See Us at the Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women!

The 2018 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women begins tomorrow, August 2nd, in Louisville, KY, marking the celebration’s 30th anniversary. The Special Offerings and Presbyterian Giving Catalog team will be celebrating, too, sharing the work of the whole church with Presbyterian women from all over the United States in the exhibit hall at the Galt House…. Read more »

Midwest Congregation Utilizes Chickens to Increase Offering Participation

Lamb (and Chicken) Power 2018 is the year of Lamb Power at Discovery Presbyterian Church in Omaha, NE. Discovery prides itself on being a very mission driven congregation, and each year they choose a theme that guides their ministry. The theme for this year was deemed “Lamb Power,” derived from the Book of John. This… Read more »

Overflowing Generosity

Water gives and sustains life. For World Water Day (March 22, 2017), we are highlighting the Overflowing Generosity activity from the Presbyterian Giving Catalog. Millions of people around the world lack convenient access to clean water, and must fetch water for daily living from a well or other water source. Gifts made through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog… Read more »

One Great Hour of Sharing Promotion Guide

Resources for mid council leaders and congregations You shall be called repairers of the breach. —Isaiah 58 Around the world, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. Each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) helps to improve the lives of people in these challenging situations. The… Read more »

It’s not just for Christmas

Engage with the Presbyterian Giving Catalog Year-Round If you look at gifts to the Presbyterian Giving Catalog, there seems to be a trend: smaller spikes in daily activity near gift-giving holidays like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, with most of our activity coming near Christmas. It makes sense. People are in a generous mood near… Read more »