Posts Categorized: Special Offerings Promotion

A Season of Peace

Jesus calls us to be peacemakers. We see this every day as we experience our world’s need for Christ’s reconciling love, peace, and justice. We feel this as we long to know God’s peace in our hearts and relationships. The promise of Jesus “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”… Read more »

The gift of an enthusiastic leader

When it comes to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), a leader’s enthusiasm is a gift in itself. Research shows church members give significantly more when their leaders share their excitement and passion for a Special Offering. Consider these ideas to involve your members & inspire them to give: Download the Leader’s Guide, with all… Read more »


am·bas·sa·dor /amˈbasədər/ a person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity. For the past few years, we have gathered groups of people to train and send out on our behalf when an offering is approaching. We want to have a personal connection with each congregation, but there are only so many… Read more »