Posts Categorized: Special Offerings Promotion

OGHS: Because We See

The pandemic has stretched the Church in many ways — but we are still very much … here. Although it was surely hard at first, we have expanded our thinking, and our doing, in new and innovative ways to close the distance, and be together. We have continued to worship. We have continued to build… Read more »

Eco-Palms: Creativity and Caring for Creation in Trying Times

By Jessica Maudlin Phelps The Presbyterian Hunger Program strives to walk with people in moving toward sustainable personal life choices that restore and protect all of God’s children and Creation. We believe that “God’s Economy” is one of abundance for all, but in order to live within this kind of economy, our relationship to those… Read more »

Celebrating the 2021 One Great Hour of Sharing with Our Youth

Engaging the children of your congregation with the four churchwide Special Offerings has never been easier or more important, whether you are engaging them in-person or virtually. There are numerous ways children can connect with One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), including the engagement placemat and fish coin banks that often arrive in your standing… Read more »

Christmas Joy: A Life Changed, But Still Fully Lived

Rev. Dr. Stewart M. Pattison has been living with multiple sclerosis for years. As his health has recently forced him to retire, gifts from the Christmas Joy Offering have come to have special meaning for him. A portion of gifts received go toward supporting church leaders in their times of critical financial need. This is… Read more »

Christmas Joy: Creating Positive Change in the World

Officially, the Presbyterian Pan American School (PPAS) is a Christian international college-preparatory boarding school located in Kingsville, Texas, but to Adelite Hategeka it is a second home filled with family from around the world. “My favorite thing about the school is the people you meet,” she says. “We rely on each other and learn how… Read more »

Christmas Joy: A Love Story

A legacy of love and faith Rev. Ken Tracy has spent much of his more than 30 years with the PC(USA) helping congregations work through conflict and revitalize their membership — a mission grounded in love. If you have the opportunity to talk with Rev. Tracy for even a few minutes, it’s easy  to understand… Read more »

Christmas Joy: Being With Us

“Many hands make light work.” “Teamwork makes the dream work.” “If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.” There are lots of ways to say it — but working together really does make bigger and better things possible. And, lots of times, working together makes it more fun, too.  In fact,… Read more »

Celebrating the 2020 Christmas Joy Offering with Our Youth (during COVID-19)

Celebrating the 2020 Christmas Joy Offering with Our Youth (during COVID-19) As we continue through this time of uncertainty and social distancing, engaging the children of your congregation with the four churchwide Special Offerings has never been more important. There are numerous ways children can connect with the Christmas Joy Offering, sharing the joy of… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Hagar’s Community Church

Separated from the world, but not separated from God’s love The Washington Correctional Center for Women is both the largest and the only maximum and medium security prison for women in the state. It’s surrounded by barbed wire, and you have to go through five locked gates to get to the main population. But while… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Peace in the Midst of War

“In a war zone, everyone is a target.” During this Season of Peace, we are reminded that peacemaking is active not passive, doing not waiting. Jaff Bamenjo (BA-MEN-JO), the coordinator of the Network for the Fight Against Hunger in Cameroon (RELUFA) and an International Peacemaker, has a very clear understanding of why this is important…. Read more »