Friday prayers for Madagascar

Please hold the people of Madagascar in your prayers.

Madagascar's former democratically elected president, Marc Ravalomanana, who was forced to flee the country during the coup d'etat in March of 2009, is scheduled to return to the country on Saturday.
"To help restore democracy it is time for me to come home," he said. "I wish to lead by example. I wish, with all of us and all of you, to stand up for peace and democracy and the right to freedom of choice for the ordinary Malagasy." He said the political and human rights situation in Madagascar has deteriorated and that any criticism or opposition of the government is being suppressed.  There have been over 500 radio stations shut down since the coup de tat and zero tolerance for any opposing positions or peaceful protests.
The current regime has already issued a warrant for Ravalomanana’s arrest. Reports from our church partners, the FJKM, indicate that the regime feels threatened by his return and are “cracking down” on anyone who is perceived as connected with him. Some pastors and church leaders have been threatened with beating and imprisonment. Many are in hiding.

Prayers have been requested for all of the people of Madagascar, the people in the FJKM church, and those leading and attending a worship and prayer service tomorrow (Friday, February 18) from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.  
This is a critical time for all the people of Madagascar. Please pray for wisdom and protection.

Learn about Presbyterians at work with the people of Madagascar.

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