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Posts Tagged: Madagascar
December 23, 2017
Dan Turk shared with us today about the Environmental Education Program, a part of the Developmental Department of the FJKM church. Dan described four main elements of the program: Student pastors at the Ivanto Seminary are trained in the garden, orchard and fruit tree nursery, part of the Seminary campus. In addition there are annual… Read more »
November 11, 2017
They stood as one and raised their voices in heartfelt praise, singing a Malagasy hymn in beautiful 4-part harmony. Then they sat, three at a wooden desk, elbow to elbow. Their composition books and pens were in sight, but not a single computer or tablet was seen in this Wi-Fi free classroom filled with ten… Read more »
November 8, 2017
The Presbyterian Church (USA)’s partner, the five million-member Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (known by its Malagasy acronym, FJKM), has multifaceted and holistic ministries that seek to respond to the challenges of poverty, human exploitation, social and political conflict, and environmental degradation as an integral part of what it means to follow Christ. A… Read more »
July 22, 2011
Famine stalks the Horn of Africa. A bomb and gunfire rip Norway. Violence wracks Malawi and Syria. Rapes are perpetrated in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Atrocities are suspected in Southern Kordofan. Human rights are denied in Madagascar, Peru, and Colombia. Weak and vulnerable people are exploited and abused in the United States. In places… Read more »