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Princeton Theological Seminary

Princeton Theological Seminary to host series on the future of American democracy

In a moment defined by cascading crises, many people across the nation are wondering about the future of American democracy. In the months ahead, Princeton Theological Seminary will confront this uncertainty head-on, convening a series of conversations with leaders poised to shape the future.

‘We either have fun learning or we give in to despair’

Over the weekend, the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins and the Office of Public Witness in Washington, D.C.  — together with National Capital Presbytery — hosted two women of faith who regaled a Zoom audience with stories of the decades they’ve spent advocating for and ministering to God’s people.

Sunday’s sermons for Monday’s world

With the goal to help preachers explore biblical texts rather than explain them during their sermons, the Rev. Dr. Sally A. Brown, the Elizabeth M. Engle Professor of Preaching and Worship Emerita at Princeton Theological Seminary, was the guest Wednesday on the Synod of the Covenant’s Equipping Preachers series.

‘Love makes room’

For the Rev. Jennifer Burns Lewis, “love makes room” is the umbrella of her theology. Along with Micah 6:8 — to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God — it is the shaping framework of her work as the vision and connecting leader of the Presbytery of Wabash Valley.

When good news is harder to find

On Wednesday, the Rev. Dr. Kimberly Wagner offered up the Rx that pastors preaching and leading congregations might well need the most during this time of trauma: practical advice from someone who’s been there, and who’s clearly researched and thought deeply about what trauma can do to individuals and faith communities.

A ‘bridge builder’ at the Board of Pensions

The Rev. Dr. John G. McFayden, whose first employment in the Church was at age 13 as an employee of a Presbyterian camp on the North Carolina-Virginia line, has retired as Executive Vice President and Chief of Church Engagement for The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). His service spanned more than 40 years, 12 of them at the Board.