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Presbyterian Publishing Corporation

A website in waiting

As part of its work helping the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to overhaul two of its main websites, the denomination’s consultant, Centralis, has produced short videos of Presbyterians trying to navigate the current sites, and

Taking lessons from a Samaritan

In Luke 17:11–19, 10 people with a skin disease are healed, yet only one — a Samaritan — felt compelled to thank Jesus for his healing. 

Revamping the PC(USA) website will rely heavily on user input

A complete revamping of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s two main websites as they merge into one site, at, will take about two years and will come about only with significant input from the Presbyterians who use them.

Leaning in, listening and learning

How do ministers fulfill their call? Who are they? What did they learn in seminary? What didn’t they learn in seminary? How are they impacted by changes in society and their communities? Moreover, how do changes in the life of the church and in society as a whole affect the emotional and physical well-being of a minister? These are important questions. Right now, the church is unable to answer them, but that is about to change.

Baffled by prayer

All his life, the Rev. David Maxwell has found prayer baffling.