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Presbyterian Publishing Corporation

‘Good White Racist?’ author provides anti-racism guidance for churches

There is a significant difference between being born “white” and “whiteness,” according to author Kerry Connelly, and she discussed that and other white supremacy concepts during last week’s webinar presented by the Presbyterian Outlook and sponsored by the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation.

Middlers will engage in weeklong confirmation class at Montreat

Although they won’t actually “be confirmed” during the Presbyterian Association of Musicians (PAM) 2021 Worship and Music Conference, a small group of middlers will make history by being part of the first denomination-wide confirmation class at Montreat.

Drive through blessings as Christian Education Week begins

The Sunday after Labor Day has always been a big day of celebration for many Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations around the country.  But this year the beginning of Christian Education week — which is set aside in the PC(USA) as a reminder of the importance of faith formation and those who teach and plan for another church program year — looks and feels entirely different.

Presbyterians invited to dip deeper into the well of PC(USA) ministries

The South Central Region of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (SCRAPCE) is hosting a three-day virtual workshop called “Dipping Deeper Into the Well of PC(USA) Ministries” Oct. 5–7. The workshop, coordinated by Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (APTS), is recommended for Christian educators, pastors, volunteers and anyone else interested in learning about denominational resources available for Christian education and formation in the local church.

Getting their feet wet

Members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). A Corporation Board of Directors eased their way into three days of online meetings Wednesday, helping four new members learn about their roles and how the A Corporation, which dates back to 1799, fits in and works with other PC(USA) agencies and boards.

Getting faith formation and worship resources into people’s homes

Church and worshiping community leaders, are you looking for ways to support families in faith formation at home during a time of pandemic? Would you like your community to have access to a children’s Bible, hymnal and prayers in their home?

Caroline Kurtz, daughter of PC(USA) missionaries, wins Presbyterian Writers Guild’s Best First Book Award

Caroline Kurtz, a missionary kid who from age 5 grew up in Ethiopia with her parents and siblings, has been named winner of the Presbyterian Writers Guild’s biennial Best First Book Award for the best first book by a Presbyterian author written during 2018-2019. The Best First Book Award is co-sponsored by the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and comes with a $500 cash prize.

A website in waiting

As part of its work helping the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to overhaul two of its main websites, the denomination’s consultant, Centralis, has produced short videos of Presbyterians trying to navigate the current sites, and