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Presbyterian Peacemaking Program

Peacemaking Program to sponsor travel study seminar to Korea

Presbyterians and other interested people will get a chance to learn about the Korean culture in person later this year. The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, in partnership with World Mission, will host a travel study seminar to Korea from Nov. 5–17.

International peacemakers wrap up four-week visit to U.S.

The meeting room at Laws Lodge on the campus of the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary was buzzing with groups clustered together, debriefing on the past three weeks. Most of the 15 international peacemakers gathered here for a day of conversation before heading back to their homes, an opportunity to talk about their experiences and interactions with U.S. congregations, students and communities.

International Peacemaker from Vietnam faces significant challenges

Building a church and its membership from the ground up is no small feat. Doing it in a country that persecutes members of your faith makes it doubly difficult. But the Rev. Manh Nguyen, pastor at the Evangelical Community Church in Hanoi, Vietnam, continues to grow his church despite a government that frowns upon religion in general, and Christians specifically.

International peacemaker uninvited to two high schools

An international peacemaker from Palestine recently found her invitation to speak at two Nebraska high schools revoked. Nora Carmi, a Palestinian Christian from Jerusalem, was scheduled to speak at two schools in Omaha, when school district authorities cancelled the appearances. Millard Public School officials say the decision was made after being contacted by some parents.

International Peacemakers arrive in the U.S.

On the eve of International Day of Peace, 15 peacemakers from around the world arrived in the U.S. to begin their two-week visit. From now until October 16 the participants will scatter across the country speaking with churches, public and private schools, universities, women and men’s groups and much more. Organizers say this is the largest group to participate as International Peacemakers.

International Peacemaker to share need for health services in Malawi

You might think raising 10 adopted children as a single parent would be its own full-time job. For most it would be, but not for Mphasto Nguluwe. A nurse by profession, she somehow balances her prodigious parental duties with being Director for the Church of Central Africa, Presbyterian (CCAP) Livingstonia Synod Aids Program (LISAP). LISAP implements initiatives that promote quality of life for children living with HIV and whose goal is to ensure an HIV-free generation. As director, she heads three hospitals and 12 health facilities in the Synod’s catchment area. It includes working with a staff of more than 600 who serve about one million Malawians in remote locations. Nguluwe will speak to U.S. congregations and organizations this fall as part of the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program’s 2017 International Peacemakers series.

Travel Study Seminar takes Presbyterians to Guatemala and Costa Rica

A group of Presbyterians from across the U.S. recently had a front row seat on the impact of corporate involvement on the environment and human rights in Central America. Approximately a dozen people took part in a two-week travel study seminar to Guatemala and Costa Rica learning about extractive mining, the impact on rivers and streams and the daily struggles of residents who must some times choose between good health and providing for their families.