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Members of the ‘Solidarity with the Suffering’ delegation share what they saw and heard during their eight days in Palestine-Israel

Together with a few ecumenical partners, “Solidarity with the Suffering,” a 35-member delegation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Israel/Palestine Mission Network returned home last week after eight days of solidarity with people who are suffering and mourning the deaths of those who have died in the war in Gaza between Hamas and Israel.

March 15 webinar will examine the human rights situation in Israel-Palestine

The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),  the Office of Public Witness and Presbyterian World Mission will host a webinar at noon Eastern Time on March 15 titled “Israel/Palestine:  A discussion with human rights experts — is this apartheid?”

A webinar on the current context of the Palestinian people

A webinar focusing on the current context of the Palestinian people, including disparity in access to COVID-19 vaccines, is scheduled from noon through 1 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, April 27. The event is hosted by Presbyterian World Mission’s Middle East and Europe office and the Office of Public Witness.

May 15 commemorates Nakba (Catastrophe) Day for Palestinians

As the world continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, and with the anxiety and insecurity as well as the staggering loss of life that it is causing, the fear that this crisis may be used to usurp power or control in certain parts of the world, or worse, to trample upon the human rights of those most vulnerable, is very real.

B’Tselem works toward a future of justice and equality in Israel-Palestine

As the Israeli bombing of Gaza continues, the words of B’Tselem Director Hagai El Ad are ringing in the ears of the members of the PC(USA) delegation that visited Israel-Palestine two weeks ago — perpetual occupation and zero international consequences. He has taken that message to the United Nations General Assembly several times, most recently last fall, and delivered the same words to the delegation.