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A pastoral letter on 9/11 and all that’s happened since then

The date of September 11, 2001, almost can get lost amid present situations we face in New York City with recent deadly storms, a deadlier COVID-19 virus and the resulting unemployment and rent/mortgage payment concerns, and the cessation of so many in-person church and social activities.

Remembering the Twin Towers

Eighteen years ago, our nation was stunned by attacks that took place against thousands of innocent souls. People of various economic classes, educational attainment, races, genders, countries of origin, religions and nearly any other distinction we can identify were senselessly wounded and killed. Millions are still affected by the aftermath of what we now call 9/11.

Remembering the Twin Towers

Seventeen years ago, our nation was stunned by attacks that took place against thousands of innocent souls. People of all economic classes, educational attainment, races, genders, countries of origin, religions and nearly any other discriminator we can identify were senselessly wounded and killed. Our nation has been at war since that day with many millions affected by the aftermath of what we now call 9/11.

New Jersey church remembers war dead with ‘Field of Flags’

For five years Westminster Presbyterian Church in Middletown, New Jersey has assembled a memorable display on its Great Lawn each fall. Beginning in 2012, the church’s “Field of Flags” display has contained one American flag for every service member killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts.

Remembering 9/11: Fifteen years of healing

For the Rev. Jon Walton, September 2001 was supposed to mark the start of a new ministry. He had just become pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of the City of New York and his first sermon was September 9th. But any anxiety about his new job quickly evaporated two days later when two planes flew into the World Trade Center claiming more than 2,600 lives.