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Minute for Mission: Small-Membership Churches

Minute for Mission: Small-Membership Churches

With hammers and nails, children build boxes, birdfeeders, confidence and relationships.

With hammers and nails, children build boxes, birdfeeders, confidence and relationships.

July 17, 2016

As we lift up small-membership churches today, let us remember God’s promise to David: “I will provide a place for my people . . . and will plant them . . . .” (2 Samuel 7:10 NIV).

The membership of our congregation, First Presbyterian Church in McComb, Ohio, is drawn from the village and nearby farms. We believe that God has planted his church in McComb and so focus our service here.

Four years ago, after a period of prayer and discernment, we launched an after-school outreach program for children in the local school. The purpose of Lift Off was to help children explore their creativity, soar into self-confidence, build relationships and see life in a different dimension. Lift Off has grown from 17 to over 50 children each week. When its human resources were stretched to the limit, people from the community answered the call for help. Some came from other churches, while others were parents of children who had passed through the program; they wanted to help bring to others the same experience their children had loved.

God has opened other opportunities for service in the community. We have begun a Latino ministry that encourages self-development by building English skills and addresses other needs as they arise in the community.

Size is no limit when the Holy Spirit is empowering our imagination and equipping us with resources. Small-member churches can make a great impact wherever they are placed.

Janeane Hopkins, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, McComb, Ohio

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Cynthia Beach, BOP
Amgad Beblawi, PMA    

Let us pray

Holy God, your gifts are overwhelming, and the power of your Spirit is great. We pray this day for small-membership churches. Jesus began the church with just 12 people, and in the power of the Spirit they changed the world. Moving forward, and empowered by that same Spirit, may we do likewise. Amen.

Daily Lectionary

Morning Psalms 19; 150
First Reading Joshua 6:15-27
Second Reading Acts 22:30-23:11
Gospel Reading Mark 2:1-12
Evening Psalms 81; 113


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