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Presbyterians Today

Food Justice: A Growing Concern

Presbyterians help people in marginalized contexts gain access to affordable, healthy food By Tammy Warren | Communications Associate for the Presbyterian Mission Agency Mary Medina, a PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer,… Read more »

Greening Our Cities

A growing movement to reconcile natural and human communities may reflect a biblical vision for God’s creation By Rebecca Barnes | Presbyterian Hunger Program Associate for Environmental Ministries When I was… Read more »

Presbyterians and the Environment

By Angie Andriot | Research Associate with Research Services for the Presbyterian Mission Agency God has given humans a responsibility to care for the earth. About 98 percent of Presbyterians… Read more »

The Rule of the Last

Have we been interpreting Scripture wrongly all this time? By Aric Clark | Writer, speaker, and Presbyterian minister living near Portland, Oregon. He is also the creator of LectionARIC, a… Read more »

Washburn named interim editor of Presbyterians Today

PC(USA) pastor and long-time PT contributor brings passion for communications by Gregg Brekke | Presbyterian News Service The Rev. Sue Washburn has been named interim editor of Presbyterians Today, the award-winning bi-monthly… Read more »

Confronting the Horrors of Human Trafficking

Estimates of the number of victims vary widely, but the International Labour Organization calculates that 21 million people are in forced labor. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), spurred by its General Assembly, is seeking to become more aware and involved at every level of the denomination.