Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Office of Public Witness

Raising a Prophetic Voice through the Social Justice Policy of Presbyterians Since 1946

A True National Crisis

We Need More Than Thoughts and Prayers   Just over one year ago, violence erupted at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, resulting in the death of 20 students and 6 adults. Each time a new incidence of public violence invades our news feeds, we grieve that such a thing would be allowed… Read more »

Office of Public Witness Signs on to Interfaith Letter Opposing CIA Drone Strikes

February 19, 2019 The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker U.S. House of Representatives The Honorable Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader U.S. House of Representatives The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader U.S. Senate The Honorable Charles E. Schumer, Minority Leader U.S. Senate cc: All Members of Congress re: CIA drone strikes Dear Members of Congress: As members of… Read more »

National Emergency is an Abuse of Power

The President has just declared a national emergency to circumvent Congress and the U.S. Constitution, in order to proceed with plans to build a border wall. The only crisis at our southern border is the humanitarian crisis manufactured by this administration. The current administration has separated children from their families, undermined child and asylum protections, and fueled… Read more »

Carbon Pricing Bill reintroduced in 116th Congress

February 12, 2018  In Support of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019 (HR 763) In June 2018, the 223rdGeneral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) “expressed profound concern about the destructive effects of climate change on all God’s creation, including a disproportionate impact on those living in poverty and in the least… Read more »

Help Avoid Hunger Disaster in Puerto Rico

Starting next month, 1.4 million Puerto Ricans on the island will struggle to put food on the table if Congress fails to approve an additional $600 million for the Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP). Disaster NAP has served as a critical lifeline for Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Puerto Rico’s poverty… Read more »

Universal Day of Prayer for Students and Gun Violence Prevention

A Message from Presbyterian Peace Fellowship on addressing crisis of gun violence– Dear Friends in Christ, On February 14, 2018, a former student entered the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida with an AR-15-style semi-automatic weapon. In 7 minutes, he killed 17 students and adults. In February of 1893, Presbyterians first participated in… Read more »

Avert Second Shutdown

Urge Congress to Avert a Second Shutdown and Protect the Dignity of Migrants and Border Communities What’s at stake? After the longest shutdown in government history, Congress has until February 15, to figure out how to fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Without a lasting agreement to keep the government funded, departments funded by the… Read more »

Call-in Day to End the Shutdown

*UPDATE: The Senate failed to advance either of the proposals outlined below. On January, 24, the Shelby proposal that including the President’s $5.7 billion for a border wall failed in the Senate by a vote of 50-47. The Schumer proposal, the clean CR, failed by a vote of 52-44. Both bills needed 60 votes to… Read more »

the government is failing all of us when it’s not working

As the partial government shutdown drags well into its third week, the human cost of the shutdown is coming into sharp focus. On Wednesday, Jan. 9, PC(USA) Office of Public Witness Director, the Reverend Jimmie Hawkins, said, “It is time for the Senate to take up the House spending bills and send them to President… Read more »

Washington Report to Presbyterians, Winter 2018

If you receive our paper mail, you should have received the Washington Report to Presbyterians, Winter 2018 edition, in your mailbox the week before Christmas. It is now available online in PDF and here on our blog. Each article is linked individually below. Articles with timely information that has changed have been updated as of… Read more »