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Peace doves paint from Tegucigalpa

International Peacemakers


An overview of the program

Leaders from partner denominations and organizations around the world visit the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) each year to interpret issues of peace and justice. These visits inform Presbyterians, open hearts and minds, touch lives, establish relationships and inspire new ministries. By sharing stories of their work and witness, the peacemakers help us understand peace and justice concerns around the world and provide insights that can inspire us to greater faithfulness. Their visits broaden our sense of God’s inclusive family and help equip us to build a culture of peace and nonviolence for all God’s children. Since 1984 more than 350 International Peacemakers from 60 countries have been hosted through the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program. The International Peacemakers Program is made possible by your generous gifts to the Peace and Global Witness Offering.

In 2024, the roster of International Peacemakers has expanded to include 2 Domestic Peacemakers. Inspired by the 2023 Travel Study Seminars to the Native Lands of the American Southwest and to Puerto Rico, we are thrilled to announce that a Native American and a Puerto Rican are among the peacemakers this year.

Meet the Peacemakers

Connecting with International Peacemakers: 2024

IN-PERSON – In 2024, Peacemakers will itinerate throughout the church from September 13 – October 7 at the invitation of mid councils and Presbyterian-affiliated institutions. Visits generally last 3-6 days, excluding travel days. Not all visits must or may include a weekend. Midweek visits can be ideal for colleges, universities, or theological institutions. Mid councils, clusters of congregations and educational institutions may apply to host a peacemaker.

Request a Peacemaker


SYMPOSIUM – Beginning in 2020, the Peacemaking Program added a Virtual Symposium as a means to connect with our past International Peacemakers. The Virtual Symposium provides a number of pre-recorded interviews, panel discussions and presentations by our past International Peacemakers.  You are invited to view and make use of one or all of the Symposium segments.

Peacemaker Symposium

The Areas of Focus for Our Peacemakers and the Matthew 25 Church Initiative

Our peacemakers have been selected to help the Presbyterian Church (USA) live into the “Matthew 25 Church Initiative,” which seeks to ensure that the PCUSA continues to confront racism, address environmental concerns, stand against violence and militarism and advocate for the dispossessed. The initiative calls for the whole church, at all levels, to locate itself with the poor and to advocate and take risks for and with the poor…”in the soup kitchens and catholic worker houses, among the immigrants, with those working to end mass incarceration, and with those who seek to protect all of us, especially the poorest of the poor around the world, from the vagaries of climate change.” The International Peacemakers will also focus their time on the three priority areas of the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s work: Racism, Poverty and Church Vitality. And they will help us become a Matthew 25 Church by sharing unique experiences and stories from their work in the following areas:

  • Hunger Ministries: I was hungry and you gave me food
  • Clean Water/Environmental Justice: I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink
  • Immigration/Migration/Refugee Welcome: I was a stranger and you welcomed me
  • Poverty Alleviation: I was naked and you gave me clothing
  • Health and Wellness: I was sick and you took care of me
  • Racism/Systems of Oppression and Violence: I was in prison and you visited me

International Peacemakers: A Partnership Between Peacemaking and World Mission

Thanks to a collaborative effort between the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program and World Mission, International Peacemakers who need interpretation assistance are often accompanied by either a PC(USA) mission co-worker or a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) alumnus. This partnership allows Presbyterians to hear firsthand from both a peacemaker and a mission co-worker or young adult volunteer who represents or has represented the PC(USA) in the region. Together the peacemaker and mission co-worker or young adult volunteer share stories of connection and partnership between the PC(USA) and our ministry partners.

Planning the visit

It is best for a team representing the mid-council, institution or a cluster of congregations to work together to host the international peacemaker and to plan a meaningful and complete visit.  The hosting team is asked to design a schedule for the peacemaker’s visit that provides many opportunities for meaningful engagement between the peacemaker and various groups and gatherings.   Schedules should be planned carefully and thoughtfully to make good use of the peacemaker’s time and talents without being overwhelming or exhausting for either the peacemaker or the hosts.  Including a variety of groups and settings enriches the experience both for the peacemaker and the mid-council or institution.

Providing hospitality

The host team provides hospitality for the peacemaker during the visit.  They arrange for the peacemaker’s lodging, meals and local transportation. Ordinarily the team shares responsibility for the logistics of the visit and each team member has a role to play.  Sometimes the team members each take responsibility for a day or a region, but it is best if hospitality is shared amongst many rather than done by just a few.  If possible, for the sake of the peacemaker, it is best to provide lodging in one place for the duration of the visit rather than to move the guest from place to place each night.  However, if your peacemaker is moving across the geography of your region and not return to a “home base,” it is less ideal but may be necessary to pack up and move during the visit.  Please keep this hospitality issue in mind as you plan the peacemaker’s schedule.

Costs and travel

The hosting organization is asked to contribute $475 to help defray the cost of the program.  The Peacemaking Program covers all international and domestic airline travel costs.  We will make travel arrangements, purchase tickets, provide health insurance, and inform hosts of travel schedules. As soon as your peacemaker’s visit has been confirmed, instructions for making the payment of $475 will be sent to you.

Application and notification

Please use the online application form to apply to host a peacemaker. Apply early but no later than May 1. Applicants will be notified automatically that their application has been received. If you do not receive an automatic reply, please check with the Peacemaking Program at 502-569-5805 to confirm receipt of your application. Late applications will be filled as space is available.

Apply here

Host orientation

All hosts, whether new to the program or experienced, are expected to attend a zoom orientation meeting led by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program.

2024 International Peacemakers

Request a Peacemaker

Costa Rica

Mía Umaña

For 30 years, Mía Umaña has been working to support vulnerable communities in comprehensive and empathetic ways. She has focused on strengthening resilience in communities, using tools such as the creation of Peace Communities. With specialties in conflict resolution and trauma care, Mía trained with the Lutheran World Federation in Brazil and holds a diploma in Risk Management in Natural Disasters (CEPEPCA ACT ALIANZA).

Most recently, Mía finished her course work for her bachelor’s degree in Theological Sciences and is in the process of preparing her thesis at the Universidad Bíblica Latinoamérica (UBL) in Costa Rica. She also earned an International Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith. She currently provides pastoral accompaniment and support to migrants with particular focus on gender violence, feminicide and environmental justice. She works to strengthen relational networks while providing support to migrants at Casa Adobe.

A resilient and faithful woman, mother and grandmother, Mía lives in Montecito – a high elevation, wooded area in the province of Heredia, Costa Rica.

Interpreter – Karla Koll

Karla Ann Koll, a Mission Co-worker with the PC(USA), serves at the Latin American Biblical University (UBL) in San Jose, Costa Rica as professor of history, mission and religions. She previously served in theological education in Nicaragua and Guatemala. In addition to courses in mission and the history of Christianity, she teaches a course on eschatology and climate change. Karla is a member of Pueblo Presbytery.


Frances Namoumou

Ms. Frances Namoumou’s involvement in climate change, displacement and disaster management spans more than 20 years. Her area of expertise is Climate Justice and Disaster Management. She currently serves as Ecumenical Enabler for Ecologic Stewardship and Climate Justice Program at the Pacific Conference of Churches in Fiji.

A graduate of the University of the South Pacific, she has been involved in projects with the Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation, the Adventist Relief Agency, and the Climate Change/Act on Disaster Risk Reduction with the World Council of Churches. Residing in Suva, Fiji, she is a member of the Methodist Church.

Hong Kong/Philippines

Joram Calimutan

An ordained minister of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP), Rev. Joram Calimutan was a local pastor for 12 years in the Southern Tagalog region of the Philippines before being assigned as ecumenical co-worker to the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM) in Hong Kong. He now serves as head of the Institutional Administration and Finance unit of APMM. APMM is a regional network supporting the empowerment of migrants through its programs of advocacy and campaigns, education, research, and networking.

Rev. Joram Calimutan is also the lead convenor of the Asia Pacific Interfaith Network for the Rights of Migrants (AP INFORM), a network of various faith communities (Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu) supporting the rights of migrants, refugees and other displaced people. AP INFORM works to oppose all forms of abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and modern slavery by advocating for human rights, justice and decent work. Additionally, he pastors a worshipping congregation of UCCP in Hong Kong.

He holds a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary (Cavite, Philippines) and was awarded the Contemporary Theology Award. Born in Lucban, Quezon, Philippines, he is married to Edwina Antonio, Executive Director of Bethune House (Hong Kong), a refuge for migrant women.

Int Peacemaker In-person Logo


Dumitru Roibu

Dumitru Roibu is Executive President of YMCA Moldova. His history of YMCA community service includes roles such as World YMCA Youth Empowerment assistant and YMCA Change Agent (a global leadership program), and participation in YES (Youth Engagement in Sports) and TTT (Training The Trainers) seminars. Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Dumitru Roibu has been involved in supporting Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war. To date, helping more than 14,000 refugees, YMCA Moldova has created more than 320 Digital Educational Centers.

In 2013, Dumitru founded a rural youth NGO which supported cultural youth events, such as teaching folk dances. His NGO empowered more than 150 young people from the area to take part in Erasmus+, a European Union program for education, training, youth, and sport. For his exceptional civic service, Dumitru was awarded the Civic Merit Medal in 2018 by the President of the Republic of Moldova.

Dumitru studied International Relations, has a master’s degree in Diplomatic Studies and is currently working on his PhD in Good Governance. He and his wife are expecting their first child in January 2024.

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Native Lands of the Southwest U.S.

June L. Lorenzo

An attorney, consultant and human rights advocate, June L. Lorenzo is Laguna Pueblo and Diné (Navajo Nation). Holding a JD and PhD, she currently practices law in New Mexico and advocates for the rights of Indigenous Peoples before United Nations and Organization of American States bodies. June has served as a Judge for 6 Native Nations in New Mexico and has served as legal counsel for both Laguna Pueblo and Navajo Nation, as well as US Senate and US House of Representative committees, and the US Department of Justice (Voting Rights). She is also engaged in advocacy on uranium legacy issues, which is related to protection of sacred areas. 

 June was a featured speaker for the Peacemaking Program’s 2023 Travel Study Seminar to the Native Lands of the Southwest, which explored the Doctrine of Discovery and its present-day impacts. She has served on a number of PC(USA) committees and task forces at the presbytery, synod and General Assembly level including the Native American Consulting Committee, (former) Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns (ACWC), General Assembly Task Force on Native American Ministries, Peacemaking Planning, the Native American Consulting Committee, and the Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC) for the Presbytery of Santa Fe, Synod of the Southwest, and the General Assembly. 

June is a member and clerk of session at Laguna United Presbyterian Church (Pueblo of Laguna), the only Native American congregation in the Presbytery of Santa Fe.

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Peter Michael Egwudah

Peter Michael Egwudah serves as the Program Coordinator of the Civil Society Coalition for Poverty Eradication (CISCOPE), a Nigerian national-based NGO working across multiple sectors and geographical locations in Nigeria to eradicate poverty and suffering. CISCOPE involves over 80 civil society organizations working on diverse development and humanitarian issues. With the support of UN-OCHA, he facilitated the formation of the Network of Adamawa Non-Governmental Organization (NANGO), comprised of national, communal, and faith-based organizations operating within Adamawa State, to enhance coordination, reporting and information-sharing among humanitarian and development actors.

Peter is also a foundation member, and the current Vice Chairman of the North East Civil Society Organization’s (NESCO), a grouping of civil society organizations operating in the north east region affected by the acts of the dreaded terrorist groups, Boko Haram. He is an activist, advocate for peace and policy influencer for positive change.

Int Peacemaker In-person Logo


Zoughbi Zoughbi

Founder and Director of Wi’am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Centre in Bethlehem, Zoughbi Zoughbi is a world-renowned speaker, trainer, counselor, activist, and writer. He has written and edited extensive articles and books on interdisciplinary topics of justice, peace and reconciliation.

Founded in 1994 and known by the name “Wi’am”, the Arabic word meaning “cordial relationships”, the center has received some notable awards, including the 2023 Carnall Peace Award and the 2010 Peacebuilding Award in the World Vision International Peace Prize competition. The center offers mediation, training, and psycho-social counseling to help resolve community disputes and alleviate the suffering of people. It includes a trauma-coping program for children, leadership training for women, and nonviolence education programs.

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Puerto Rico

Marielis Barreto-Hernández

Rev. Marielis Barreto has been pastoring at the Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana en Aguada (First Presbyterian Church in Aguada) since her ordination in 2000. The congregation stands out for its nearly 20-year community service thrift store ministry, Mission Bazaar. More recently, the congregation has been collaborating with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to support volunteer hurricane relief efforts through Casita Ebenezer Volunteer Center.

Rev. Barreto holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez. She earned a Master’s Degree in Divinity and a Doctorate Degree in Ministry in Pastoral Care from the Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico (Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico). She resides in Aguada with her husband.

Int Peacemaker In-person Logo

South Korea

Hiheon Kim

Rev. Dr. Hiheon Kim is senior pastor of Hyanglin Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK), chair of the Society of Korean Minjung Theology, and representative of Hyosun-Miseon Peace Park Project. In his local pastorate, Hiheon has been engaged in Christian activism on social justice and spirituality, ecological turn beyond the globalized consumerism, and unification of two Koreas along with various research and action groups in denominational and non-denominational relations.

Hiheon studied theology and social theories at Hanshin University in Korea, and completed Ph.D. program at Claremont Graduate University, CA, with dissertation, titled Minjung Messiah and Process Panentheism. While teaching at Presbyterian and Episcopal seminaries in Korea, Hiheon served as research director in the Christian Institute for the Study of Justice and Development, general secretary of the Society of Korean Minjung Theology, and executive director of Peace Community Movement Center (PROK).

Hiheon’s published books include Minjung and Process (Bern, 2009), Korean Christians Toward Life and Peace (Seoul, 2011), Pioneers of Korean Theology (Seoul, 2014), Mission in the Context of Margins (Bangalore, 2015). A Theology for the Bereft (Seoul, 2015), and Proclamations, 2 vols. (Seoul, 2016).

Int Peacemaker In-person Logo


2024 Peacemaker Itinerations

Peacemakers will be visiting presbyteries September 13 – October 7, 2024. Many scheduled events, featuring the Peacemaker’s presentation, are open to the public. Contact the lead host in each presbytery for detailed schedule information.

Costa Rica – Mía Umaña, with Interpreter, Karla Koll

9/13/24 – 9/18/24

Tampa Bay

Neddy Astudillo

9/18/24 – 9/24/24

New Hope

Willem Bodisco Massink

9/24/24 – 9/30/24


Patrick Hurley

9/30/24 – 10/7/24

Grand Canyon

Lucinda Michels

Fuji – Frances Namoumou

9/13/24 – 9/19/24

San Francisco

Brian Camara

9/19/24 – 9/26/24

San Fernando & San Gabriel

Wendy Gist

9/26/24 – 10/2/24

Lake Erie

Joseph Kumer

10/2/24 – 10/7/24

East Iowa

Lisa Ross Thedens

Hong Kong/Philippines – Joram Calimutan

9/13/24 – 9/25/24

North Central California

John Wallace

9/25/24 – 10/1/24


Chuck Carlson

10/1/24 – 10/7/24


Rolf Hahne


Moldova – Dumitru Roibu

9/13/24 – 9/19/24

West Virginia

Tina Vial

9/19/24 – 9/25/24

Beaver Butler

Joyce Hamilton

9/25/2024 – 9/30/24

Missouri River Valley

Karen Morey

9/30/24 – 10/7/24


Mirjam Haas-Melchior


Native Lands of the Southwest – June L Lorenzo

9/13/24 – 9/18/24

East Tennessee

William Myers

9/20/24 – 9/24/24


Judy Jaggard

9/26/24 – 10/1/24

Eastern Oregon

Mary J Lemm Davis

10/1/24 – 10/7/24

Lake Michigan

Eileen Best


Nigeria – Peter Michael Egwudah

9/13/24 – 9/19/24


Keith Phillips

9/19/24 – 9/24/24

Northern Kansas

Amanda Littell

9/24/24 – 10/1/24

Central Florida

Barbara Sayles

10/1/24 – 10/7/24


Loreen Stravers


Palestine – Zoughbi Zoughbi

9/13/24 – 9/17/24

Northwest Coast

Heidi Saikaly

9/17/24 – 9/21/24

Scioto Valley

Mary-Gene Boteler

9/21/24 – 9/26/24


Deborah Houghton

9/26/24 – 10/2/24

St. Augustine

Ervin Bullock


10/2/24 – 10/7/24

Greater Atlanta

Brenda J. Smith


Puerto Rico – Marielis Barreto-Hernández

9/13/24 – 9/18/24

Mid Kentucky

Marissa I. Galvan-Valle

9/18/24 – 9/23/24

Costal Carolina

Laura Lupton

9/23/24 – 9/30/24

Central Florida

Mario Bolivar

9/30/24 – 10/7/24


Joanne Tunison


South Korea – Hiheon Kim

9/13/24 – 9/18/24

San Gabriel

Alex Khoury

9/18/24 – 9/25/24

John Calvin

Craig Campbell

9/25/24 – 9/30/24


Bisi Shofu

9/30/24 – 10/2/24

New York City

Emily Brewer


10/2/24 – 10/7/24

Sheppards & Lapsley

Marianne Parsons

Welcome to the Virtual Symposium!

Beginning in 2020, the Peacemaking Program added a Virtual Symposium as a means to connect with our past International Peacemakers. The Virtual Symposium provides a number of pre-recorded interviews, panel discussions and presentations by our past International Peacemakers. These interviews are a chance to reconnect with these peacemakers, learn about and from their work, be updated on the pressing issues in their countries, and hear their perspective on life, ministry and events around the globe. New guests will be featured each year during the Season of Peace and will remain on the Symposium webpage.

Below are the descriptions and links to the interviews, panel discussions and presentations that comprise this Virtual Symposium. You are invited to view and make use of one or all of the Symposium segments.



JAFF BAMENJO – Fighting Hunger in War-Torn Cameroon

Jaff Bamenjo (Cameroon, 2019) is the Coordinator of RELUFA, the Network for the Fight Against Hunger, a Joining Hands partner of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Cameroon. He coordinates the advocacy campaigns on land and food justice and transparency in the extractive industries. Jaff was a featured Symposium guest in 2020. 

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LALA RASENDRAHASINA – Working for the Wellbeing of Madagascar

Lala Rasendrahasina (Madagascar, 2014) served as President/Moderator of the FJKM (Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar) from 2004-2016.  During ongoing political, economic and environmental instability, he and the FJKM boldly spoke truth to power and fought for peace with justice.  In this interview we discuss the challenges of healthcare, poverty, homelessness and violence in Madagascar, a country rich in resources but impoverished by its leaders. Lala was a featured Symposium guest in 2021.

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MPHATSO MARY NGULUWE – The Challenges of Healthcare in the Remote Regions of Central Africa

Mphatso Mary Nguluwe (Malawi, 2017) serves as a Director of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Health Department, directing 3 major hospitals and overseeing 12 Community Health Centers, most in hard to reach areas. Mphatso was a featured Symposium guest in 2020. 

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JEROME BIZIMANA – Reconciliation and Healing in Post-Genocide

Jerome Bizimana (Rwanda, 2015 and 2018) serves as the President and Legal Representative of Remera Presbytery in the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda and is committed to the church’s ongoing work to reconcile the people of Rwanda twenty-five years after the atrocities of genocide. Jerome was a featured Symposium guest in 2020. 

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DEON SNYMAN – Transforming Disadvantaged Rural Communities and Responding Creatively to Covid-19 in South Africa

Deon Snyman (South Africa, 2015) has served as a minister of rural Zulu speaking congregations of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa. For 13 years he served with the Restitution Foundation in Cape Town where he developed restitution theory and models to assist in addressing the South Africa’s colonial and apartheid legacy. Deon was a featured Symposium guest in 2020. 

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LUCY AWATE – Peacebuilding in South Sudan

Lucy Awate (South Sudan, 2019) works with our PCUSA partner, RECONCILE, as a psychosocial peacebuilding expert. She has over 16 years of experience providing technical guidance for trainings and workshops. In this interview Lucy updates us on the work of RECONCILE and the challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic have presented to her peacebuilding work. Lucy was a featured Symposium guest in 2021. 

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LYDIA NESHANGWE – Meet the Moderator of the Council for World Mission (CWM)

In August, Lydia Neshangwe (Zimbabwe, 2019) took on a new role, serving as the first woman elected as moderator of the Council for World Mission (CWM), a worldwide partnership of 32 denominations with a combined population of 22 million Christians in about 50,000 congregations spread across 40 countries around the world. Lydia was a featured Symposium guest in 2020. 

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JEROME BARIS – Justice and Human Rights Issues in the Philippines – An interview with Jerome Baris (Philippines, 2017)

Jerome Baris (Philippines, 2017) currently serves as the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) Area Bishop of the East Visayas Jurisdiction and is a highly informed advocate for justice and human rights in the Philippines. Jerome was a featured Symposium guest in 2020.

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NICOLE ASHWOOD – An Equal Piece Peace

Nicole (Nicqi) Ashwood (Caribbean, 2013 & 2014) represents the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands as the program executive for Just Community of Women and Men. Her presentation looks at the inclusion of women in the work of Peacemaking for Just Communities and includes a brief overview of the SyroPhonecian woman’s encounter with Jesus.  Nicole was a featured Symposium guest in 2020.

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Luis Fernando Sanmiguel Cardona (Colombia, 2016) is a pastor in Bogotá and executive director of the Communities of Faith – Teusaquillo Territory of Peace, an ecumenical and Interfaith consortium working for an integrated and lasting peace.  In this interview Luis Fernando discusses how faith communities are working in solidarity with broader social movements to bring about change. Interpretation by Sarah Henken. Luis Fernando was a featured Symposium guest in 2021.

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GERMAN ZARATE-DURIER – A Prophetic Witness for Peace in Colombia

German Zárate-Durier (Colombia, 2012 and 2013) most recently served as the director of the Office of Diaconia (Mission and Service) of the Presbyterian Church of Colombia (IPC), focusing on church development and the promotion of human rights. German was a featured Symposium Guest in 2020. 

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ERLINDA QUESADA – Environmental Justice and Labor Protections in Costa Rica’s Pineapple Plantations

Erlinda Quesada (Costa Rica, 2019) cofounded the National Front of Sectors Impacted by Pineapple Production (FRENASAPP), which seeks to address the negative impacts of the expanding pineapple plantations in the Caribbean region of Costa Rica. Interpretation by Karla Koll (Mission Co-Worker for Costa Rica). Erlinda was a featured Symposium guest in 2020. 

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Edelberto Valdés Fleites (Colombia, 2003 and 2015) is a pastor in the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba and serves, among other things, as Moderator of Central Presbytery and Synod General Secretary.  In this interview he describes the economic and energy challenges facing Cuba, the history of his nation, the impact of U.S. Cuba policy on Cubans and his hopes for the work of the Presbyterian Church in Cuba.  Edleberto was a featured Symposium guest in 2021 with interpretation by Tracey King-Ortega.

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DELIA LEAL – Addressing Violence Against Women in Guatemala

Delia Leal (Guatemala, 2017) is the Regional Coordinator for the Women’s Ministry of the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA). CEDEPCA’s efforts aim to prevent and eradicate violence against women. Interpretation by Leslie Vogel (Regional Liaison, Mexico and Guatemala). Delia was a featured Symposium guest in 2020 with interpretation by Leslie Vogel.

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FABIENNE JEAN – A Report from Haiti

Fabienne Jean (Haiti, 2018) serves as coordinator of FONDAMA, the Hands Together Foundation of Haiti network, part of Joining Hands, an initiative of the Presbyterian Hunger Program.  In this interview she updates us on the work of FONDAMA to find lasting solutions to the problems that impoverish the population of Haiti. She describes both the priorities and challenges the organization has faced during the Covid-19 pandemic. Fabienne was a featured Symposium guest in 2021 with interpretation by Cindy Corell. 

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Manolis Ntamparakis and Arlington Trotman: The European Churches’ Response to Refugees, Migrants and Asylum Seekers

Manolis Ntamparakis (Greece, 2018) is a staff member of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) based in Thessaloniki, Greece. He provides capacity building support and consultancy to the Municipalities of Central and North Greece region to support refugee integration programs in their constituencies. Arlington Trotman (United Kingdom, 2019) is the former moderator of the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME), an organization of churches and ecumenical councils from 18 European countries that advocates for migrants, refugees and minority groups. Manolis and Arlington were featured Symposium guests in 2020.

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ARDA A., ALEX AWAD AND NORA CARMI- The Palestinian Plight: A Conversation with 3 Past Peacemakers from Palestine

Arda A. (Palestine, 2011, 2012 and 2016) was Project Supervisor and Media and Advocacy Coordinator at the YWCA of Palestine. She currently works as a Communications Consultant. Nora Carmi (Palestine, 2017) has held leadership positions with the YWCA of Palestine, Sabeel Liberation Theology Center, and Kairos Palestine. She has served as a community builder in Palestinian society, advocating for a just peace and empowering women and the community through skill development and spirituality. Alex Awad (Palestine, 2018) served as Dean of Students and full-time instructor at Bethlehem Bible College in Bethlehem where he served on the faculty for 24 years. Arda, Alex, and Nora were featured Symposium guests in 2020. 

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SALAM HANNA – Hope and Hurting in Syria

Salam Hanna (Syria, 2013) serves as pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Latakia with the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL) and as the Director of the NESSL’s Relief & Rehabilitation Program. In this interview he describes the changes in Syria over the past few years and the work of the NESSL’s relief and rehabilitation program. Salam was a featured Symposium guest in 2021. 

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TAMAR WASOIAN – The Challenges Faced in Syria Today

Tamar Wasoian (Syria, 2015 and 2016) is an Armenian educator and theologian and a descendent of Armenian Genocide survivors. Tamar was a featured Symposium guest in 2020. 

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