Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Food and Faith

China to introduce new food safety rules

Earlier, the New York Times reported that 100 people had died in Panama after taking medicine containing diethylene glycol that had been produced in China and exported as the harmless syrup glycerine. Due to international pressure and thousands of pet…

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Black farmers say boycott Monsanto

Black farmers call for boycott of Monsanto: The National Association of Black Farmers has asked its 60,000 members to boycott Monsanto products. The action is in protest of Monsanto’s $1.5 billion bid to acquire Delta & Pine Land Company. Dr….

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Farmers Driven to Suicide

Caption: Burning GMO Cotton in India In January 10, Jamuna Ramdas Ade decided she couldn’t take it any more. The cotton farmer from the Indian state of Maharashtra was so deep in debt that she swallowed a mouthful of monocrotophos,…

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