Posts Categorized: Hunger

PHP Post – Summer 2024

Finding Hope, Inspiration and Healing By Rebecca Barnes, coordinator for PHP I don’t know about you, but this year so far, I’m having to constantly lean on faith that God is with us and that God’s beloved community is being created even in the midst of horrors. All around, violence, war, infuriating political maneuvering, climate… Read more »

Download the Summer PHP Post!

Dive into this issue of the PHP Post to learn how PHP is addressing root causes and making an impact throughout the world. We invite you to read how communities survive in times of drought, how bridging international concerns from one place to another in global solidarity has great impact, how sharing grief and food… Read more »

The White House Hunger Conference—Dispatch from a Man Who Wasn’t There

This article was written by Mark Winne, an author and long-time advocate for food justice, and a friend and colleague for many years. Mark gave us permission to post the article, originally published on Mark’s blog here. October 17, 2022 When did attending a conference about hungry Americans and the appalling state of our dietary… Read more »

Mark 2022 Food Week as World Faces Food Crisis

hands holding rice For about a billion people in the world, every day is a food crisis. This year, the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and regional shortages spread the pain even wider. Here in the United States, food chain supply issues, inflation, and the end of COVID policies like the universal school meal program threaten food security…. Read more »

Hot off the press! PHP’s Justice Journal

kids holding hands and jumping The theme of the Presbyterian Hunger Program’s latest resource is CONGREGATIONAL VITALITY! How do ministries of alleviating hunger, providing affordable housing, caring for the earth and building just societies help enliven congregations? Read about congregational vitality that comes through efforts to work on hunger and its root causes in the new edition of the PHP… Read more »

WHEAT and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Garden Seed Program

This update comes from the World Hunger Ecumenical Arizona Task-Force (WHEAT), a Presbyterian Hunger Program grant partner.  WHEAT joined with the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) to help begin personal gardens for senior adults. The Community had long had a garden, but few planted or harvested on it and the seeds distributed didn’t seem… Read more »

Summer Update for Hunger Action Congregations

Dear Hunger Action Congregations, I hope you and your congregation are doing well. And I hope you personally have had or will have the chance to revitalize your spirit – at least a bit! – during the summer. The challenges aren’t letting up, so we need to find our peace and strength in our faith,… Read more »

Upcoming Ways to Support A Pathway to Citizenship

These next weeks and months are shaping up to be crucial times to urge Congress to do all it can to support pathways to citizenship for as many of the 11 million undocumented individuals as possible—including for farmworkers!  We invite you to take action for farmworkers and citizenship! Tuesday July 27th at 5pm ET/ 4pm… Read more »

Student Action with Farmworkers is Back in the Fields!

This update comes to us from Melinda Wiggins, Executive Director for Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF). It has been a long year, but I am pleased to share that our Into the Fields program is back in the fields. We launched this year’s internship and leadership development program with an online orientation. The 25 SAF… Read more »

Bursting the Bubble on Food Alarmism: Why Bill Gates is Dead Wrong

protest at Gates Foundation No doubt you’ve seen ads about the need to feed the world. The claim is made that by 2050 we’ll need to increase food production by 50%. These ads come from agribusiness corporations such as ADM, Cargill and Bayer-Monsanto, and then they are parroted by the media and academics, despite the fact that there is… Read more »