Posts Categorized: Hunger

Ramadan Mubarak! Interfaith Celebration of Food & Fighting Hunger

invite to ramadan celebration Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture hosted the 14th Annual Interfaith Ramadan Fellowship Celebration. Dianna Wright, director of Ecclesial and Ecumenical Ministries in the Office of the General Assembly, PC(USA) and I were invited to celebrate with them and make brief remarks. It was wonderful to be with, pray with, and reflect on hunger and… Read more »

Ensuring Farmworkers’ Health and Safety

This update comes from the Alliance for Fair Food, a Presbyterian Hunger Program grant partner.  The coronavirus has put the newfound resilience of farmworkers on Fair Food Program farms to the test. Farmworkers across the United States are facing an unprecedented threat to their health and safety, a massive shortage of personal protective equipment, and… Read more »

When Farming and the Church Come Together

This reflection comes to us from AJ Bisesi, Community Engagement Coordinator for Garfield Community Farm, a ministry of The Open Door Presbyterian Church. Getting produce to our neighbors is an integral tenet of our organization’s mission. We distribute produce in multiple ways, including donating. Valley View Presbyterian Church, one of our church partners from the… Read more »

Community Sharing Garden Restoration Project

This reflection comes from Bruce Kelsh, Chair of Earth and Social Justice Committee for First Presbyterian Church, in Cottage Grove, OR. Fifty percent of the people in our rural community are classified as being in poverty or ALICE (Asset Limited Income Constrained), that is, the working poor.  There is a shortage of fresh produce for… Read more »

A Philosophy of Welcome in the Midst of Covid-19

This reflection comes from Rev. Kirk Perucca, Pastor for Covenant Presbyterian Church, in Kansas City, MO. Covenant Presbyterian Church, an urban residential congregation in Kansas City has a mission. We feed people. Period. We serve people in a dignified, caring and just matter. Jesus didn’t ask for two forms of ID, one could be a… Read more »

Community Resilience Amid Uncertainty

This reflection comes from Brenda Becerra, Senior Development Associate for Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO), a Presbyterian Hunger Program grant partner. Our world turned upside down in what seems like one day to another when the pandemic hit and we had to accept this new reality and try to adapt fast. We had no… Read more »

To End Hunger We Must Address Root Causes

Fighting hunger is at the heart of our Presbyterian understanding of mission. Jesus fed the hungry and told his disciples to do the same. Yet, we know that hunger is an extremely complex phenomenon with economic, political and social causes. 51 years ago, when the Hunger Program begin, our founding mothers and fathers realized that… Read more »

PHP’s Impact in the World

See PHP’s impact in just two colorful pages Learn how your gifts to the Presbyterian Hunger Program made a difference in 2019. Front/back can be printed from your computer or emailed to share with your congregation. Download the Impact Report here And view this 3-minute video introduction to the work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program… Read more »

Getting at the roots so we can harvest the fruit

PHP national work in tree graphic Presbyterian Hunger Program’s PHP Post is out – hot off the PDF press! Featuring stories from U.S. partners around the country, the Spring Edition is now available. This issue includes: Articles from grant partners in Chicago, North Carolina, and New Jersey Hopeful Action in Hard Times PC(USA) National Hunger Concerns Poster Panning out with Kathia… Read more »

Grateful for you

By Rebecca Barnes, Coordinator of the Presbyterian Hunger Program To those living in famine in Africa and the Middle East, your gift to One Great Hour of Sharing makes a difference. To widows learning how to fight for land titles to stay on their deceased husband’s land so they may continue to care for their… Read more »