Monthly Archives: February 2018

From Dream to Reality: #FaithLands Gathering

Over the next 5 years, one million acres of U.S. farmland will pass hands! The United States is about to experience the largest generational transfer of farmland in its history. Future food security and the health of the land depends on who gets their hands on it. Recognizing the importance of this critical moment, the… Read more »

Waiting for life renewed!

The life-giving warmth of spring is almost upon us!  But still we wait for the new impulse coming our way… 1)  In Lent, we reflect on Christ’s ministry, death, and resurrection. We slow down, take time, and examine our internal spiritual lives and the way we live out our Christian faith in the world around. This… Read more »

Why care about the Farm Bill?

One bill provides crop insurance to protect farmers hit by pests, drought, or flood. One bill supports communities as they develop their local and regional food systems. One bill provides research, credit, and support programs for farmers and ranchers. One bill enacts either strong or weak creation care policies. Agriculture is one of the foremost… Read more »