Posts Categorized: Human Rights

Caretakers of Everything: Indigenous Wisdom

Indigenous communities have a wealth of knowledge that can make climate change mitigation and adaptation more effective. We just have to listen. Jack Collard, Director at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander International Engagement Organisation (ATSIIEO), an indigenous organization dedicated to the building of positive international partnerships for First Nation expertise, in a session on story… Read more »

Equal Exchange: Living Out Matthew 25

As part of the Matthew 25 commitment, congregations and presbyteries pledge to embrace one or more of these three areas of focus: Building congregational vitality by deepening and energizing our faith and growing as joyful leaders and disciples actively engaged with our community as we share the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed…. Read more »

Peacemaker Lifts Up Importance of COP26

From an island in the Pacific Ocean, Frances Namoumou recently made a peacemaking pilgrimage to the Presbytery of the James in central Virginia. Appearing via Zoom, the International Peacemaker discussed how climate change is negatively impacting her home country of Fiji and neighboring islands in the region. As the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) takes place through Nov. 12,… Read more »

Litany of Lament

by Jessica Maudlin, Associate for Sustainable Living and Earth Care Concerns, PHP Last week I sat on the steps of my front porch, listened to the sound of police helicopters overhead and watched on a friend’s Facebook live as a protest in honor of Breonna Taylor, a young black woman murdered in her home by… Read more »

Update on Standing Rock

Yesterday the Presbyterian News Services released an article “Standing in solidarity with Standing Rock” that reminds us to be in prayer after last week’s clashes in North Dakota as Native American brothers and sisters and allies continue to witness against the current construction plans of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Originally planned to be built near… Read more »

Support for Standing Rock

As colder weather soon begins in the area where hundreds of people have gathered with the Standing Rock Sioux–to protect water, land, tribal rights and harmonious relationships with the earth–Presbyterian Native American leaders are providing for ways that all Presbyterians can support this historical gathering. To begin with, as needs for safe and sturdy lodging… Read more »

Teens Gather Around Environmental Racism

  What is environmental racism? What constitutes environmental “justice” for all? The discussions of these and other questions with the fabulous teens at the Presbyterian Youth Triennium last week were lively, stimulating, and meaningful. More than 85 young people made their way to this workshop on the Friday morning of Triennium, even as they had… Read more »

Support Human Rights in Colombia

Yesterday the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness sent the following action alert asking Presbyterians to ask Congress to vote NO on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement: Click here to call your member of Congress and ask him or her to vote NO on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement.   The human rights situation in Colombia has… Read more »