Posts Categorized: Eco-Justice

Still Time to Register for Ecumenical Advocacy Days

Ecumenical Advocacy Days will take place on March 19-22 in Washington D.C. This year’s theme is “A Place to Call Home: Immigrants, Refugees, and Displaced Peoples.” The event is a time for people of faith to learn more about this…

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Eco-Stewards Summer Program for Young Adults

The Eco-Stewards Program, started as a partnership between the Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association and Presbyterians for Earth Care, has announced plans for its 2010 program for young adults (~ages 20-30). For 2010 the Eco-Stewards Program is offering a…

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Tread Lighly for Lent Day 6

Day 6 action: Learn more about eco-justice: assuring justice for creation & all humans that live in it through the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program at Share what you have learned. Throughout the Lenten Season, daily ideas for…

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Tread Lightly for Lent Day 5

Day 5 action: Ask your church to order Eco-Palms for Palm Sunday. Eco-Palms are harvested in a sustainable way and workers are paid a fair wage. Learn more & order at Throughout the Lenten Season, daily ideas for learning…

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Environmental Lenten Resources in Review

There are a lot of environmental resources for the 2010 Lenten Season. With Lent starting next Wednesday, February 17th, here is a rundown of what is available, including a new addition, for those of you who may have missed some…

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Super Bowl Sparks Thoughts on Simple Living

I don’t watch much television, and I’m not much of a football fan, but I happened to watch the Super Bowl last night. When I do watch TV, I usually mute the commercials. But in the spirit of Super Bowl…

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Register for Ecumenical Advocacy Days

Ecumenical Advocacy Days will take place on March 19-22 in Washington D.C. This year’s theme is “A Place to Call Home: Immigrants, Refugees, and Displaced Peoples.” The event is a time for people of faith to learn more about this…

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Order Eco-Palms for Palm Sunday

Does your church purchase palms for Palm Sunday? If so, look into buying Eco-Palms this year. Purchasing Eco-Palms supports eco-justice: Eco-Palms are harvested in a sustainable manner and workers are paid a fair wage. Around 300 million palms are used…

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Farmworker Freedom March

From the PC(USA) Campaign for Fair Food: Announcing the day of God’s favor, the gospel of Luke tells us Jesus inaugurated his ministry by reading from the scroll of Isaiah, proclaiming release to the captives. As followers of Jesus we…

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