Posts Categorized: Climate Change

Climate Legislation Conference Call

The National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program will continue its series of conference calls on climate issues and legislation for grassroots leaders on February 1 at Noon Eastern Time. The call in number is 1-866-939-8416 and the access code is…

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Lenten Reflections on Climate Justice

From the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program: This year, the National Council of Churches with help from clergy, activists and friends around the country, will be offering a Lenten Resource exploring Climate Justice and how it relates to each…

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Interfaith Power and Light Preach-In on Global Warming

Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) is sponsoring a National Preach-In on Global Warming on the weekend of February 13-14. The organization, which works to mobilize a religious response to global warming by promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency, and conservation, is…

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Climate Change Impacts

As climate change continues to impact our world, many facets of life will be affected. Human and non-humans alike will feel the stress of climate change. Climate change will affect people living in poverty on a greater scale. Learn more…

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OOPs: Last Day in the Life (A Day in the Life, Part #2)

By Carol Somplatsky-Jarman Monday, December 14: Twenty percent. Our specially appointed delegate has gone to the Bella Center to the specially appointed place, to pick up the specially prepared sealed envelope with the specially prepared second passes. Twenty-one: that is…

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Green Advent from Odyssey Networks

Odyssey Networks is providing a daily green Advent calendar entry. The daily entries share a bible verse, prayer, and tip for environmental stewardship. While you are visiting the website you can catch up on reports from the religious community at…

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A Day in the Life, #1

By Carol Somplatsky-Jarman, Friday, December 11 Buzz, buzz…. Buzz, buzz, buzz… I hear an intermittent buzz of Bill’s Blackberry, which goes off (accompanied by a flash of red light) every time an email comes in. It has been like this…

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Update #2 from Copenhagen

By Bill Somplatsky-Jarman. Photos by Carol Somplatsky-Jarman. On Saturday, the two of us headed for the Saxo Grammaticus Room at the Bella Center where four business leaders recounted their experiences in moving their companies toward sustainability, and more climate-friendly practices…

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