Posts Tagged: oghs

The gift of an enthusiastic leader

When it comes to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), a leader’s enthusiasm is a gift in itself. Research shows church members give significantly more when their leaders share their excitement and passion for a Special Offering. Consider these ideas to involve your members & inspire them to give: Download the Leader’s Guide, with all… Read more »


am·bas·sa·dor /amˈbasədər/ a person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity. For the past few years, we have gathered groups of people to train and send out on our behalf when an offering is approaching. We want to have a personal connection with each congregation, but there are only so many… Read more »

Hunting Down Resources

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, finding resources to promote upcoming offerings can be difficult. Here are a few tips to get what you need quickly and efficiently.  Start your search at – we have compiled information about the offerings and links to resources on one page, so you don’t have to navigate the entirety… Read more »

What difference does one gift make anyway?

How one offering counts, again and again Each year, One Great Hour of Sharing gives us the opportunity to support disaster relief, hunger initiatives, and self-development of people. Even if you’ve given to this Offering in the past, you may have wondered: Does my individual gift make much difference? The problems OGHS seeks to address… Read more »

A Brief History of One Great Hour of Sharing

The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering, received during Lent, has a sixty-nine year history as an ecumenical endeavor that now involves nine denominations and Church World Service. Founded in 1946 by Episcopal Bishop Henry Knox Sherrill, a goal was set to raise one million dollars in one hour for World Relief. * The first… Read more »

The Hands and Feet of Jesus

Our group of adults and youth were ready and flexible to help anywhere during our week at Point Pleasant. We helped paint, build showers for future service teams to use, sheetrocked a garage, and helped with whatever tasks that homeowners needed. One of the most meaningful experiences for us that week was helping a couple move into their home. It was the first time they had spent the night in their home in over 9 months. Through our day spent with them cleaning and moving, we were able to hear their story and be the hands and feet of Jesus. They were just one of the families we were able to interact with. In many ways that week we got more than we gave.

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Planting Seeds for Stronger Communities

Thanks to the generosity of people like you, the Presbyterian Hunger Program has been able to partner with Huerto de la Familia (The Family Garden) and other successful organizations which address hunger and poverty through food production, income generation, advocacy and other holistic programs.

Huerto de la Familia is a community-based gardening and micro-enterprise program in Oregon. It works with Latino families to connect them with each other, their community, and the earth while growing their own organic food. That’s where Roberto’s daughter learned to garden and discovered her love for broccoli.

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SDOP Funds After School Program

One Great Hour of Sharing Interested in learning more about how your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing are making in impact? Here’s an inspiring story about the Infinite Legacy Program in Akron, Ohio, which has benefited greatly from an OGHS funded grant, gifted by Self-Development of People.  “Through One Great Hour of Sharing,… Read more »

Huerto de la Familia – The Family Garden

Impact Video Series Over the course of 2014 I’ll be visiting with people who are diligently working to transform communities across the country, empowered by the gifts you are making to the Special Offerings, and reporting back to you through a series of videos.  Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit with the… Read more »