Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Presbyterians Today Blog

One Church, Many Voices

justleros = more than just nonsense or disparates

A space for a contemporary woman disciple to give voice to justice concerns in a world where some still think that women’s words are just leros (Greek for “nonsense”) or, in Spanish, disparates   Wisdom buildsA reflection and confession based on Proverbs 9:1–6 by Magdalena I. García Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn… Read more »

Souls of White Folks

A white man’s frank and repentant exploration of how racism finds a home in white folks’ souls.   Tell the story Learning to hear the collective witness of black brothers and sisters in Christ by Jeffrey A Schooley I want to begin with a proposition: (1) Evil prefers to hide from view. (2) Systemic racism… Read more »

Small Matters

Stories of mustard seeds and mountains   Feels like homeThinking we’ve failed because our church is small by Sue Washburn The church smelled like home. As I walked through the door to be interviewed for a ministry job in a small town in Pennsylvania, I was transported back to my own childhood in church. The… Read more »

A Mote in Minerva’s Eye

Seeing without categorizing   Drought dominoesWhat growing a garden in drought-stricken California has to do with the church by Anita Coleman The Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your needs in parched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water whose waters never… Read more »

justleros = more than just nonsense or disparates

A space for a contemporary woman disciple to give voice to justice concerns in a world where some still think that women’s words are just leros (Greek for “nonsense”) or, in Spanish, disparates   God grievesA reflection and confession based on Ephesians 4:25–5:2 by Magdalena I. García And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of… Read more »


Redefining where and when church happens   Emptying outThe un-mastered art of letting go of expectations by Mieke Vandersall I know that for some this may border on heresy, but I have to be honest: I’m not a big fan of the labyrinth. For those who aren’t familiar, a prayer labyrinth is a single, purposeful… Read more »

YoRocko Podcast

Conversations with church leaders about projects that matter   Rocky Supinger talks with Marci Auld GlassPastor Marci Auld Glass talks about advocating and testifying on behalf of LGBT people and women in Idaho. (This podcast was recorded in February 2015.)   <—- Marci Auld Glass was born and raised in Spokane, Washington but ventured to… Read more »

Living In Between

Adventures of a Presbyterian pastor on a Jesuit campus   Fasting with MuslimsMy third Iftar as a campus minister, amid the swirling violence of Chapel Hill, Charlie Hebdo, and Chattanooga by Abby King-Kaiser The noise rose around me as I sat down with my overloaded paper plate. No one was yet at my table, but… Read more »

Writing in the Margins

Thinking with a not-so-colonized mind   A church for white people?Your mouth says, “Inclusion!” Your wallet says, “More of the same.” by Antonio “Tony” Aja What will the church be like when white people[1] become the minority in the United States? In an ever-increasing multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society—thanks mainly to immigration as well as higher… Read more »


Relevant truth telling with a queer twist   Crying my way through my first year of ministryIt sounds obvious, but few talk about it without the noble veneer of self-sacrifice: ministry is hard. by Layton E. Williams On August 1st, I will celebrate my one-year anniversary of working in ministry. When people ask how my… Read more »