Posts Tagged: sojourners

Nonviolent Activists in Palestine Face Harassment, Prison, and Violence

Nonviolent Activists in Palestine Face Harassment, Prison, and Violence This article, found on Sojourners’ God’s Politics Blog, tells of Palestinians who are practicing nonviolence and the responses they are receiving. The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz published an editorial reflecting on the…

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The Rev. Sam Kobia on South Sudan referendum

Sudan is preparting for a January 9 referendum on self-determiniation for South Sudan. This is called for by the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement which ended decades of war between the northern and southern parts of the country. People of faith…

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How to Rid the World of Nuclear Weapons

… and make us all more secure. A pragmatic approach to nuclear disarmament. That’s the title of an article in Sojourners magazine by David Cortright, a Sojourners contributing writer, is director of policy studies at Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for…

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Why we are in Colombia

A post by Elizabeth Palmberg today on the Sojourners blog underscores why our current delegation is in Colombia and why the Presbyterian Church in Colombia, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship are engaged in the Colombia Accompaniment…

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Health care reform fact checks

A recent post on the Sojourners blog identified nonpartisan Web sites that may prove useful in the search for accurate information on health care reform. First, here is a summary of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) policy on health care reform….

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