Posts Tagged: dr. alexis montes

Day 100

by Nancy Eng MacNeill After three months spent at Camp Capinpin, (in Tanay (town) in Rizal province) mostly in solitary confinement, Dr. Alexis Montes and his fellow detainees, known as the Morong 43 (2 doctors, 1 registered nurse, 2 midwives…

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A visit to the Morong 43

This post is based on information supplied by Nancy Eng MacNeill. Participants in the People’s International Election Observers Mission visited with the Morong 43 before returning to their home countries. The Morong 43 are forty-three health workers who were arrested…

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Free the Morong 43

Advocate for human rights in the Philippines. Sign a petition calling for the release of the Morong 43 in the Philippines. Forty-three health workers were arrested in the Philippines in February. Among them is Dr. Alexis Montes, who has been…

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Protect human rights in the Philippines

The following request comes from our sisters and brothers in the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. Use this sample letter to send your message. Release Dr. Alexis Montes and other detained health workers! “Freedom is what we have—Christ…

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