Posts Tagged: climate change
First-ever Congressional Hearing on Indigenous Peoples of Africa
WASHINGTON – On May 12, for the first time, the U.S. Congress will devote a hearing solely to Indigenous Peoples of Africa.* The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission will host the gathering, the second in its unprecedented series of hearings…
Read more »What will I do?
Participants were asked to ponder “What will I do with what I have learned?” at the close of the Fab Five Seminar on climate change and its impacts at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations. Responses included: Push my…
Read more »What did I learn?
Several times the question “What did I learn?” was posed to participants (young people and adults alike) in the Fab Five Seminar on climate change and its impacts at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations. At the closing of…
Read more »Fab Five – Day Two
How does climate change affect people in . . . Bangladesh . . . Nepal . . . the Sudan . . . and Vanuatu? What might the people there do to minimize its impact? What might the people of…
Read more »The Word and the World: Psalm 8 and the Gulf Oil Spill
by Bruce Gillettte “Effective preaching, teaching, and personal witness require disciplined study of both the Bible and the contemporary world.” –from The Confession of 1967 of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Many people in our churches have been watching the news…
Read more »Dry Land, Living Stones: Peacemaking in Israel and Palestine
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 8:00am – 8:00pm Presbyterian United Nations Office 777 United Nations Plaza, 7th Floor New York, NY Human beings face increasingly complex challenges as the world confronts issues like climate change, hunger and poverty, and conflict. This…
Read more »Peacemaking in Congregations
Peacemaking in Congregations is one of the enewsletters published by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program. It comes out about every other week and contains ideas for ways that congregations can implement the Commitment to Peacemaking. Subscribe online or by sending us…
Read more »Report 1 from our folk in Copenhagen
Check out the first report on the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen written by Bill and Carol Somplatsky-Jarman, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) staff members who are attending the event. Thanks to the Environmental Ministries Office for posting their reports. They…
Read more »Sound the bell, drums, gongs or conch shells
International leaders will meet in Copenhagen from December 7-18 to create a new international agreement to lower greenhouse gas emissions that will replace the Kyoto Protocol when it expires in 2012. To show your support for climate justice, ring your…
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