Posts Categorized: Young Adult Volunteers

A just and lasting peace for South Sudan

“The needs of the people must take priority over the interests of the powerful.” And what the people of South Sudan need is a just and lasting peace. That’s the message shared in the UN community by the Rt. Rev. Peter Gai, moderator of the Presbyterian Church in South Sudan and Sudan.  The Rev. Gai… Read more »

The Presbyterian Ministry at the UN welcomes our first YAV!

We welcome Matt Cowell, the first Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) to serve with the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations. Below is Matt’s first blog: Greetings to all!  My name is Matt Cowell and I am a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) serving in New York City at the Presbyterian Ministry at the… Read more »


Our ministry had the opportunity to host a group of Young Adult Volunteers as part of their orientation process. Austen Zoutewelle, who will be serving in Austin, wrote a reflection on her experience: Today the group broke up into four groups, all going to see very different communities in the area. I was assigned to go to the… Read more »

We are Praying, We are Singing, We are Crying

Our ministry had the opportunity to host a group of Young Adult Volunteers as part of their orientation process. Elizabeth Heyer, who will be serving in Indianapolis, wrote a reflection on her experience: I was sent to the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations. Introductions were made and job details were shared. And a man… Read more »

Presbyterian women at the UN – Libby McDermott

Libby McDermott, member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) delegation to the 59th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women and Young Adult Volunteer Alumna, reflects on her experience: I am no longer a YAV, but I have decided to continue using my Boston YAV blog to share my experience of being a young… Read more »

Joint Prayer for Peace and Reunification

Kurt Esslinger In a few weeks the entire peninsula of Korea will honor the memory of Liberation Day from Japanese Colonialism on August 15th, 1945. This will be a celebration full of mixed feelings as this day also marks the moment when two foreign powers, the Soviet Union and the United States made the decision… Read more »

A prayer for peace on the Korean Peninsula

Hyeyoung Lee and Kurt Esslinger, PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer coordinators in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, offer this prayer for PC(USA) members to use during the the season of prayer called for by the statement on the Peace of the Korean Peninsula. It is posted here with their permission. God of the universe, God of the… Read more »

Youth (age 15-35): Tell the UN about Your Migration Experience

United Nations World Youth Report 2013 The United Nations is in the process of preparing its 2013 World Youth Report (WYR) on Youth Migration and Development. The Report will offer a multidimensional account and/or perspective of the life experiences of young migrants and young people affected by migration. Wednesday 23rd  January 2013 saw the launch… Read more »