Posts Categorized: United Nations Day

The UN turns 70

On October 24, the United Nations turns 70. United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the ratification of the UN Charter that occurred in 1945.  The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has long supported the work of the United Nations. The 220th General Assembly (2012) voted to “Affirm the church’s historic support for the United Nations as an instrument of… Read more »

Human Trafficking: The Church Responds

Join us on October 20, 2015 for a seminar on human trafficking and how the church is responding. The seminar will include presentations on:  What is human trafficking? Labor Trafficking with a speaker invited from the International Labour Organization Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children – ECPAT-USA Organizing to Address Human Trafficking – Ryan Smith, Presbyterian… Read more »

Work in common cause for the common good

From United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on United Nations Day The United Nations is needed more than ever at this time of multiple crises.  Poverty, disease, terrorism, discrimination and climate change are exacting a heavy toll.  Millions of people continue to suffer deplorable exploitation through bonded labour, human trafficking, sexual slavery or unsafe conditions in… Read more »

Happy Birthday, United Nations

October 24th is United Nations Day.  This day marks the anniversary of the Charter of the UN that occurred in 1945.  The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has long supported the work of the United Nations. The 220th General Assembly (2012) voted to “Affirm the church’s historic support for the United Nations as an instrument of peacemaking… Read more »

A band of sisters

by Deborah Wright United Nations Day took on a new sense of meaning for me starting back in the late 90’s when I was first invited by Elana Rozeman, an American born Orthodox Jew who had emigrated to Israel 20 years before, put out the word that a group of interfaith women were going to… Read more »

Presbyterian Women celebrate UN Day in the Presbytery of Monmouth

O God, who formed creation and made each living thing,We’ve seen the devastation that war and conflict bring.We long to stop the violence and end the scourge of war;We yearn for peace and justice, now and forevermore. O God Who Formed Creation by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette On Saturday, October 20, the Presbyterian Women of the… Read more »

A prayer for the United Nations

God of compassion, walk alongside all of your global stewards who work to create a more just and peaceful world. Equip the United Nations community with a sense of urgency and humility that lets your will be done. Each day you give bread enough for all, grant us also the wisdom to ensure that everyone… Read more »

A prayer for those who serve in the United Nations system

Redeemer and Reconciler, We give thanks for the work of the United Nations and for our sisters and brothers whom you have called to serve within that system. We are thankful that you call women and men from every land. We honor their work, their gifts, and their sacrifice. We pray for those who have… Read more »