Glory to you our God

People worship at the Church Center for the United NationsLet our world be a place of celebration;
let our world be a meeting place.
Let justice spring from our earth,
and let the fruits of love flourish.
Let us make it possible
by respecting our diversity,
by sharing in solidarity,
by uniting hands and hearts,
by living together in harmony with creation.
And then peace will be reborn!
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.

With this benediction, participants in the June 2, 2011 worship service at the Church Center for the United Nations, went forth to seek peace and pursue justice. The benediction, along with many other elements of the worship service came from worship services at the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation recently held in Jamaica.

The staff of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations designed the service.

Roger Dermody, deputy executive director of the General Assembly Mission Council was visiting the ministry and helped with worship leadership.

Jon Brown, pastor of Old Bergen Church, provided music for the service.

The music included “. . . until all are fed” by Bryan McFarland.

Ryan Smith, Presbyterian representative to the United Nations, Ellen Clark Clemot, intern, and Mark Koenig, director of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations rounded out the leadership team.

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