End torture

Show the video, Ending U.S. Sponsored Torture Forever in your congregation or faith community.

This 20-minute video from the National Religious Coalition Against Torture (NRCAT) explores questions such as: "Can torture be justified in certain circumstances?  Do "harsh interrogation techniques" make Americans safer?  Can cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment of prisoners be morally justified?"

The DVD brings together the nation's top experts to show that torture is, without exceptions, morally indefensible and harmful to our national interests. It includes interviews with:

  • Matthew Alexander, interrogator and author of  the book, How to Break a Terrorist
  • Dr. Stephen M. Colecchi, Director of the Office of International Justice and Peace of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
  • Dr. David Gushee, author and professor of Christian Ethics, Mercer University
  • Scott Horton, human rights attorney and contributing editor for Harper's Magazine
  • Dr. George Hunsinger, founder of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture
  • Rabbi Gerry Serotta and Rabbi Brian Walt, Rabbis for Human Rights-NA
  • Dr. Sayyid Syeed, national Director of the Islamic Society of North America

Discussion guides for various faith communities are available for use with the video. The video is available online and may be purchased from NRCAT for $5.00.

NRCAT asks that congregations that will use the video before April 1 register. Their goal is to have 300 congregations in 30 states show and discuss the video.

General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have called for an end to the use of torture.

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