Advent devotion – December 4, 2009

Scripture: Matthew 22:1–14

We all receive invitations throughout the year that request our presence at various functions. The gospel of Jesus Christ is God’s invitation for us to have a relationship with him. This invitation comes with the certainty of his honor and our benefit.

Unless you have been clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, you will not have a part in God’s kingdom. No excuse will work before the presence of him who sees and knows all. Jesus makes it very clear: we do not make terms with the eternal King! We come to him through the provisions he has made for us in his Son, or we do not come at all.

“For many are called, but few are chosen” is an emphasis upon the sovereign working of God in salvation. The invitation is extended across the globe, but few are chosen. The gospel call goes forth far and wide. It reaches ever so many. Most are like those in the parable: they hear but they do not heed.

Do you hear the Lord’s invitation to know him? Then do not make excuses, or pay no attention, or attempt to spurn him. He is the eternal King, and to hear his invitation to come to the wedding feast is to know his mercy.


The gifts we bring to you today, almighty God, are but the overflow of your blessings to us.   Your goodness and mercy are beyond comprehension; our gifts seem so small. Yet you love us even more by using our gifts to change this hurting world. Amen.

Petru Solca, New Opportunities for Romanian Orphaned Children, Tulcea, Romania
2008 International Peacemaker

Order Proclaiming the Good News of God's Peace .

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