Posts Tagged: devotional

Advent devotion – December 5, 2009

Scripture: Amos 5:18–27 Standing at my office window, I was startled to see the early morning sky fill with roiling storm clouds. Within minutes, torrential rain mixed with hail pelted the glass. Soon a manhole cover on the street below…

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Advent devotion – December 4, 2009

Scripture: Matthew 22:1–14 We all receive invitations throughout the year that request our presence at various functions. The gospel of Jesus Christ is God’s invitation for us to have a relationship with him. This invitation comes with the certainty of…

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Advent devotion – December 3, 2009

Scripture: Matthew 21:33–46 “Peace on earth,” we say in Advent, we say at Christmas, we say upon the birth of the One we call the Prince of Peace. “Peace on earth,” we say as a hope, a prayer, a longing…

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