Call for a Commission of Inquiry

From the National Religious Coalition against Torture (the links have been added):

In response to statements by Senators Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, and Diane Feinstein that a Commission of Inquiry investigating the use of torture should not be established until after the Senate Intelligence Committee finishes its investigation, NRCAT Board President Linda Gustitus issued this statement:

"We are very disappointed that Senators Reid, Durbin, and Feinstein favor delaying the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry on Torture.  Senator Reid suggested that 'we have to get the facts' before Congress can decide on the need for a Commission, but that's exactly what a Commission would do — get the facts. Unlike the Senate Doc3 Intelligence Committee, whose jurisdiction is limited to the CIA, a Commission of Inquiry would have jurisdiction to look at all agencies across the government and develop the complete story.  The various disclosures we've had to date have been important, but they are piecemeal; the public deserves and our moral responsibility requires that we make public the full truth on our country's use of torture. 

"Since the Senate leadership has missed its historic opportunity, we call upon President Obama to establish a nonpartisan, presidentially appointed Commission of Inquiry."

What has the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) said on this question?

Recognizing the importance of establishing accountability to preventing future use of torture, the 217th General Assembly (2006) approved an overture that called Congress to create an investigative body to inquire into the use of torture by the United States and, if appropriate, to recommend the appointment of a special prosecutor. The Assembly also called the Attorney to appoint a special counsel "with full authority to investigate and prosecute any official or officer of the United States government who bears direct or command responsibility for having ordered or participated in violations of law in the mistreatment of persons detained by the government of the United States at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib Prison, or elsewhere, or in transporting persons into detention in nations that have known records of brutality and torture."

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