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rev. dr. lee hinson-hasty

Needed: Courageous leadership

Speaking last week during a Facebook Live event on the topic “Courageous Leadership Matters,” the Rev. Stephen Lewis, president of the Forum for Theological Exploration, told host the Rev. Dr. Lee Hinson-Hasty that in many ways, “our future is rooted in the labors of those who came before us.”

Both midwife and hospice chaplain

As a member of Generation X and the person who runs an organization helping seminaries provide great theological education, the Rev. Dr. Frank Yamada said he sees himself as someone who’s present during both the first and last breaths of ministry — as both midwife and hospice chaplain.

Living into the family name

The Rev. Dr. Edwin Aponte said his work involves living into his family name, which is Spanish for “bridge.”

Gelling too soon

In Gail Godwin’s book “The Finishing School,” which features an older woman and a 14-year-old girl, the woman tells the girl she can tell by looking whether a person has congealed. That person will have no more surprises, the woman tells her young friend, and to avoid the trap she must constantly be on guard against gelling too soon. It’s a valued vignette in one of the Rev. Dr. Lib Caldwell’s favorite books.

What God’s community looks like

When the Rev. Dr. Rodney S. Sadler Jr. thinks of biblical accounts describing God’s community, the multitude from every nation as described in Rev. 7 springs to his mind, the “diverse panorama of people before the throne of God,” as he told the Presbyterian Foundation’s Rev. Dr. Lee Hinson-Hasty during Wednesday’s Facebook Live event, “What Does the Lord Require in Uprising?”

Minister of Household

The Rev. Dr. José Irizarry has plenty of roles and titles, including Vice President of Education for the Board of Pensions. In recent weeks, he told the Rev. Dr. Lee Hinson-Hasty Wednesday during a Facebook Live event, the pandemic has added a new important title to his portfolio: Minister of Household.

Finding the divine in moments of pandemic dullness

A recent New York Times story tells of a Catholic priest in Queens who decided not to let the coronavirus-mandated closure of his church keep him from worshiping with, and ministering to, his parish.

A design on ministry

Chicago pastor says crucial clergy values are empathy and effectiveness by Mike Ferguson | Presbyterian News Service LOUISVILLE — Asked what’s made her come alive during the pandemic and the… Read more »