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presbyterian center

Laying down tracks for technology investments

Meeting in person for the first time since the pandemic began nearly 2½ years ago, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation Board heard a report Thursday on the denomination’s technology needs.

Genuine relationships and long-term commitments

Genuine relationships and a long-term commitment are key. That message was clearly stated during a conversation about community partnerships between Black community leaders in Louisville and leaders of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) agencies and entities held on July 28.

Without missing a beat

Led and inspired by the joyful recorded percussion provided by youth drummers at Beechmont Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Presbyterians on Tuesday dedicated the Presbyterian Center’s new conference center that will host the 225th General Assembly — and, perhaps, some future assemblies as well.

An ‘our’ way of thinking

While the Administrative Services Group, which provides back-office functions for agencies in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), has plenty to do in the coming months — not the least among them coordinating the $2.4 million renovation of the Presbyterian Center ahead of the 225th General Assembly next summer — Kathy Lueckert said Thursday she’s thinking of the word “our” as a guiding light for working efficiently and effectively with client partners and sister agencies.

21st century ministry in a repurposed denominational HQ

Like the Presbyterian Mission Agency, the Office of the General Assembly has been rethinking what it means to do ministry in the 21st century, the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), told PMA board members Wednesday.

Stated Clerk discusses renovating the Presbyterian Center and transforming hearts and minds

On Thursday the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) offered up his thoughts on the proposed renovation of the Presbyterian Center in downtown Louisville, a renovation that the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II also hopes will include the transformation of hearts and minds of employees inside the building and of Presbyterians working at carrying out Christ’s mission across the nation and around the world.

A Corp Board approves Presbyterian Center renovation

Pending approval from the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board, the Presbyterian Center, the denominational headquarters for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for nearly 33 years, will undergo an estimated $2.4 million renovation this fall and winter to prepare the first story and part of the second to host the 225th General Assembly next year and, presumably, future assemblies as well.

‘This is a lot for three sisters to contemplate’

Raising their voices in eight languages and expressing their joy with drums, trumpet and piano — and, of course, the spoken word — Presbyterians based in Louisville, Kentucky offer a glorious and thought-provoking online Easter Service for use throughout the denomination.