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Biscuits for Bibles


Students in Georgia help provide Bibles in Congo

June 10, 2017

Student government team at North Cobb Christian School in Kennesaw, Georgia

Biscuits for Bibles (B4B), a creative, schoolwide project led by the student government team at North Cobb Christian School in Kennesaw, Georgia, recently raised $718.31 to purchase 102 Bibles in the Tshiluba language for people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The students wanted to help distribute Bibles, and World Mission suggested they raise funds for a Bible subsidy program in Congo.

A local restaurant donated 150 biscuits, and the students offered them to adults dropping kids off at school and asked for contributions for the project.

The student who coordinated the campaign said all of the biscuits were gone within 30 minutes.

The students planned the project for several months, made posters, announced the event in chapel, sent text alerts and posted yard signs to promote the event.

To make a gift to ministry and mission in Congo, visit

Tammy Warren, Communications Associate, Presbyterian Mission Agency

Today’s Focus:  Biscuits for Bibles

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Mission Co-workers

John Fletcher, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Gwenda Fletcher, Democratic Republic of the Congo

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Debbie Gardiner, PMA                                                                 
Ruth Gardner, PMA   

Let us pray:

Thank you, Lord, for the way you surprise us, for the way you multiply what we give to you beyond what we can even imagine. Lord, you know the challenges the people of Congo face are significant. Bless, sustain and bring encouragement today to all those who work in ministries in this land so they will be an instrument of your love and healing. Amen.

Daily Readings

Morning Psalms 122; 149
First Reading Deuteronomy 29:2-15
Second Reading 2 Corinthians 9:1-15
Gospel Reading Luke 18:15-30
Evening Psalms 100; 63

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