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Volunteer opportunities open overseas for young adults


Spend 10 months in Germany or Poland working with children and youth

July 28, 2024

Poland to offer multiple volunteer opportunities for young adults between the ages of 19–30. Although this program targets the same demographic as the PC(USA)’s Young Adult Volunteer program and is supported by YAV, the selected participants will not be part of the YAV program. Both opportunities begin in September 2024 and conclude in June 2025.

One opportunity resides in Wroclaw, Poland, presented in part by Parafia EA Wrocklaw. Called the “Venice of the North” by Poles due to the different branches of the Oder River that flows throughout the city, it is the third largest city in Poland, with more than 650,000 residents. Volunteers will work with children of the Evangelical Parish, the College of Eastern Europe Jan Nowak-Jeziorański and other youth and local organizations. Some of the listed duties include:

  • Organizing activities for children and youth
  • Assisting with charitable activities
  • Conducting English classes for Wojnowice Castle employees
  • Handling the parish’s social media
  • Assisting with refugee activities.

Housing, pocket money, travel reimbursement up to $1,000 and Polish language instruction are some of the perks provided.

Alethia White

“Our partners are excited to welcome Americans to join them for a year of volunteer and learning opportunities. Especially during a time of global uncertainty, choosing to make friendships across borders can feel like choosing hope,” said Alethia White, the PC(USA)’s co-regional liaison for Northern and Central Europe and the point of contact for the volunteer positions. “Being in a safe space to learn and grow is an experience that one carries through the rest of life. As regional liaison, I’ve heard our partners’ excitement and enthusiasm for these partnerships and hope volunteers will embrace the chance to spend a year in Europe among friends.”

The Berlin opportunity is provided by ecumenical partner the Berlin Mission. This position will also work with children and youth and people with disabilities. Housing, pocket money, travel costs to Germany (up to $1,000) and language instruction are all part of the compensation provided to the selected individual. Basic German language skills are an advantage but not required, since an intensive language course begins the volunteer’s year of service.

“If you know a young adult looking to explore what it means to be involved in a local community and work with an intercultural group of other young people, this is a unique and exciting opportunity to do that,” said White.

For more information about either of these opportunities, including program applications, contact Alethia White at

Scott O’Neill, Communications Strategist, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Revised Common Lectionary Readings for Sunday, July 28, 2024, the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Today’s Focus: Young adult volunteer opportunity in Poland and Germany working with children and youth

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Eliane Menezes, Mission co-worker serving in Guatemala, World Mission, Presbyterian Mission Agency 
John Merten, Data Entry Representative, Relationship & Development Operations, Administrative Services Group (A Corp) 

Let us pray

Gracious God, we thank you for moments and people in your lives that give us a glimpse of your kingdom. Help us to seek you in everything that we do, whether it’s hammering nails, feeding a hungry person or siting with someone amid grief. In your Son’s name we pray. Amen.

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