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Give a piglet on National Pig Day!

Presbyterian Giving Catalog’s March 1 challenge seeks gifts of 100 piglets for families in need

by Emily Enders Odom, Mission Engagement & Support | Special to Presbyterian News Service

Ahead of National Pig Day on March 1, Nathaniel poses with pig art. (Contributed photo)

LOUISVILLE — From the photogenic Babe to the loveable Wilbur to A.A. Milne’s iconic Piglet, pigs have long captured the literary and human imagination.

So much so, in fact, that pigs have their own annual holiday, National Pig Day, March 1.

And every year when the national observance comes around, the Presbyterian Giving Catalog joins with thousands of others across the U.S. to celebrate the humble pig, which is widely regarded as among the most intelligent of animals.

But not just intelligent. Because piglets are also critically important toward creating a sustainable source of income for families in need all across the world, the Giving Catalog chooses to shine a spotlight on pigs through its annual Piglet Challenge.

The ambitious goal of this year’s challenge, which is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, March 1, and run for 24 hours, is 100 piglets, double last year’s goal of 50.

One repeat donor who needed no special convincing to make a gift of piglets is 9-year-old Nathaniel, who attends Morningside Presbyterian Church in Atlanta.

“We have a wonderful children’s program at our church that offers ways for kids to engage in mission throughout the year,” said Nathaniel’s mother, Sarah Beth, who requested that the Presbyterian News Service identify her son by his first name only.

“They make Valentine’s Day cards for Meals on Wheels, go Christmas shopping for a local shelter, raise money for Thornwell Children’s Home, host meals at another local shelter, and more,” she continued. “I think Nathaniel’s favorite might be the care packages they make for students — perhaps because they get to eat whatever is left over. It’s wonderful to have mission as a foundational part of church for children and see how that can spur them to undertake service work of their own.”

Because Nathaniel loves animals, the Presbyterian Giving Catalog is a perfect fit.

“He loves when the Catalog comes in the mail,” said Sarah Beth, “and he’ll immediately set about circling the animals he’d like to donate to families. His main challenge is narrowing things down. His selection is often far bigger than his budget.”


Nathaniel, who gave generously during last year’s Piglet Challenge, hopes to double his efforts this National Pig Day even as the Presbyterian Giving Catalog doubles its goal.

“He has already put in a call to his grandparents and plans to ask a few others,” Sarah Beth said, “as well as contributing from his allowance.”

To join Nathaniel and others in the National Piglet Challenge by making a $40 piglet gift, click here.

“Pigs are awesome,” Nathaniel said. “You can sell them to make money and that seemed like it could be a big help.”

Gifts to the Piglet Challenge may be made online, by mail or by phone. To send a check to be counted as part of the challenge, please write “National Pig Day Challenge” on the memo line and mail to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), P.O. Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700. To call in using a credit card, call (800) 872-3283 and mention the “National Pig Day Challenge.”

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