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Congregational Ministries Publishing debuts new online catalog

by Emily Enders Odom | Presbyterian News Service

Congregational Ministries Publishing (CMP) has gone digital.

cmp_onlinecatalogFor the first time, the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s publisher of curriculum and other educational resources for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is offering an easy-to-use, online catalog.

The new digital catalog features all of CMP’s products in one place—including the acclaimed Growing in Grace & Gratitude denominational children’s curriculum—with a simple one-touch click for more information and a quick one-click connection to for easy ordering.

The downloadable and printable catalog also includes Spanish, Korean, and resources for the visually impaired.

“We introduced this new digital resource for several important reasons, not the least of which is to promote green stewardship,” said Mark Hinds, Ed.D., interim publisher for CMP. “We know that our customers will also appreciate our online catalog as a cost-saving measure as well as a more efficient way to meet their curriculum and other resource needs.”


Click here to download the 2016-2017 Congregational Ministries Publishing Curriculum and Books Catalog.

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